Minority Women in Leadership Certificate Program

Minority Women

The 老司机福利社 Minority Women in Leadership Certificate Program is designed to equip emerging leaders who are women of color with the leadership skills and strategies they need to advance and develop in their careers.


Program Overview

A six (6) week online leadership skills development and management mentoring program. Designed specifically for minority women that includes three (3) individualized professional development coaching sessions for each participant. Participants will be provided with workbooks, handouts, a copy of Staying Power: A 30 Day Guide To Commanding The Boardroom, Branding Yourself, and Finding Your Higher Calling, and recordings of their individual coaching sessions.


The certificate program is designed for minority women who work in management and aspire to:

    • Gain the tools needed to successfully navigate corporate dynamics without compromising your identity.
    • Learn the top leadership skills required for C-suite positions.
    • Learn the unspoken rules of succeeding in Corporate America.

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Course Dates and Time:
January 2024 *Date TBD*
Mandatory Instructor-Led Sessions via Zoom: Fridays, 6:00pm - 8:00pm*

Course content available in Blackboard beginning in January 2024

How it Works

Course Length

6 weeks



Class Size

15 students


3-5 hours per week


100% online




Earn the Minority Women in Leadership Program badge!

The Minority Women in Leadership Program badge validates that students have gained the knowledge and skills to build personal brands for career growth, networking and gaining sponsorship, and strategies to address challenges minority women face in the workplace.

This digital badge can be shared via LinkedIn and other digital platforms, highlighting your learning and accomplishments.

Earning Criteria

  • Earner attended at least 80% of live instructor-led sessions and completed all required self-paced modules and assignments.
  • Earner received a 75% or higher passing score on all quizzes.
  • Earner completed three (3) one-hour one-on-one coaching sessions with the instructor.

MWL Badge

The Skills Gained from the Program

  • Cultural Awareness       
  • Effective Communication
  • Relationship Building
  • Inclusiveness
  • Leadership Strategy
  • Self-advocacy
  • Creativity

Enhance Your Voice Today!!!

Utilize one of our "Letter of Support" templates to request support and/or funding from your
HR Department or Direct Supervisor.  




1 in 20
Women of Color C-Suite Leaders
Only 1 in 20 women of color are C-Suite leaders
41% vs 27%
Forty-one percent of women of color want to be top executives, compared to 27 percent of white women.

Staying Power


3 Key Areas of Focus

Personal Branding 

Soft Skills Development

Performance Management



Course Overview, Self-Assessment, Leadership Framework

Monday - Asynchronous Session #1: Strategies for Leading Operational Teams.

Wednesday - Assignment A - Written Reflection: Students will be asked to complete the Enneagram Self-Assessment (including in course fee) and identify opportunities to utilize their results in the workplace via written reflection.

Wednesday - Assignment B - Work on Professional Development Plan: Students will utilize their self- assessments to identify their key strengths for incorporation into their professional development plan (framework to be provided).

Wednesday - Assignment C - Reading: Days 1 - 7 in Staying Power.

Friday - Instructor Led Session: Focus on assessment results and strategies for leveraging related insights in the workplace; time will also be allocated to questions related to the self-led session topic.

Assembling Your Personal Board of Directors

Monday - Asynchronous Session #2: Assembling Your Personal Board of Directors.

Wednesday - Assignment A - Written Reflection: Using the leadership principles introduced in self - led session #1, students will be asked to identify formal and informal teams that they lead in the workplace and clarify their role as manager or leader in each context via written reflection.

Wednesday - Assignment B - Work on Professional Development Plan: Students will continue to develop their individualized professional development plan by identifying members of their personal board of directors.

Wednesday - Assignment C - Reading: Days 8 - 14 in Staying Power.

Friday - Instructor-led Session: Focus on clarifying questions and concepts covered in self-led sessions #1 and #2. Group coaching and feedback on professional development plan inputs will also be provided.

Structuring Necessary Conversations

Monday - Asynchronous Session #3: Necessary Conversations.

Wednesday - Assignment A - Written Reflection: Using the leadership principles introduced in self-led session #3, students will be asked to identify common communication challenges faced in the workplace and how to utilize the provided structured conversations framework as a means of resolving potential conflicts via written reflection.

Wednesday - Assignment B - Work on Professional Development Plan: Students will continue to develop their individualized professional development plan by beginning to practice utilizing the structured conversations framework to plan for their performance-related conversation.

Wednesday - Assignment C - Reading: Days 15 - 21 in Staying Power.

Friday - Instructor-led Session: Focus on clarifying questions and concepts covered in self-led session #3. Group coaching and feedback on professional development plan inputs will also be provided. 

Practicing Self Advocacy at Work

Monday - Asynchronous Session #4: Practicing Self Advocacy at Work.

Wednesday - Assignment A - Written Reflection: Using the leadership principles introduced in self-led session #4, including managerial courage and effective expectation management, students will be asked to identify common self-advocacy challenges faced in the workplace and how to utilize the provided frameworks as a means of practicing the key concepts of developing managerial courage and effective expectation management via written reflection.

Wednesday - Assignment B - Work on Professional Development Plan: Students will continue to develop their individualized professional development plan by beginning to practice utilizing the frameworks provided to plan for their performance-related conversation.

Wednesday - Assignment C - Reading: Days 22 - 28 in Staying Power.

Friday - Instructor-led Session: Focus on clarifying questions and concepts covered in self-led session #4.  Group coaching and feedback on professional development plan inputs will also be provided.



Purpose-based Decision Making 

Monday - Asynchronous Session #5: Purpose-based Decision Making & Career Pathing.

Wednesday - Assignment A - Written Reflection:Using the leadership principles introduced in self-led session #3, and purpose statement framework provided in Staying Power, students will be asked to draft their purpose statements and describe how it aligns with their current career goals and ability to address current organizational challenges via written reflection. Students will be provided feedback on their purpose statements and career path plan and have the opportunity to refine it before the one on one coaching sessions begin.

Friday - Instructor-led Sessions: Focus on clarifying questions and concepts 

Career Pathing

Monday - Asynchronous Sessions #6:  Career Pathing (#6)

Wednesday - Assignment B - Work on Professional Development Plan: 

Students will be provided time to further refine their individualized professional development plans and prepare for their performance review-related conversations as pre-requisites for their one on one coaching sessions.

Friday - Instructor-led Sessions: Focus on clarifying questions and concepts covered in self-led sessions #5 and #6. Group coaching and feedback on professional development plan inputs will also be provided.

Performance Review Preparation & One on One Coaching

Each student will schedule 3, one-hour one-on-one coaching sessions with the instructor to get individualized feedback on and finalize their professional development plans and prepare for their performance review conversations.

Session 1 -  Resource and strategy identification based on needs and opportunities identified in the students' draft plan.

Session 2 - Review revised plan and practice for performance review conversations.

Session 3 - Finalize game plan for ongoing leadership success and development.


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The Instructor 

Liz Nolley Tillman Pic

Liz Nolley Tillman

Liz Nolley Tillman has served as a Marketing and Communications Advisor to C-level executives for 30+ years.  In 2019. she established Purpose Filled Coaching LLC, a coaching practice through which she shares the unspoken rules of corporate America to help high-performing professionals succeed in business.  Liz is also a two-time Amazon best-selling author and an active community leader and volunteer.

liz logo


For more information email continuingstudies@stockton.edu or call 609-652-4227.

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