Meeting Schedule

AY 2023–2024 Senate Meeting Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, the Senate meets on the dates listed below in the Campus Center Event Room from 
12:45 – 2 PM.

Senate Executive Committee meets one week before the Senate. During this meeting it discusses Senate business, takes whatever actions are necessary which do not require full Senate participation, and constructs the agenda for the coming week.  Any items which are to appear on that month's Senate agenda need to be sent to the Senate Executive Committee (or any member of it) before it meets to allow time for adequate consideration.

Date Meeting
Sept 3 Faculty Assembly (Fall Faculty Conference)
Sept 10 Senate Executive Committee
Sept 20 Senate
Oct 8 Senate Executive Committee
Oct 18  Senate (CC BoT Room)
Nov 5  Senate Executive Committee
Nov 7 (4:30–6 PM) Facutly Assembly (CC Theatre)
Nov 15 Senate (TRLC)
Dec 10 Senate Executive Committee
Dec 20 Senate
Jan 14  Senate Executive Committee
Jan 24 Senate
Feb 11 Senate Executive Committee
Feb 21 Senate
Mar 11 Senate Executive Committee
Mar 21 Senate (TRLC)
Apr 1 Senate Executive Committee
Apr 11 Senate (TRLC)
May 13 Senate Executive Committee
May 23 Senate Retreat (AC – Fannie Lou Hamer Room)