
ADCP is deployed to study currents and circulation in the Mullica River.

Students activate the CastAway CTD for profiling mission.

Student researchers deploy a tilt current meter, Mullica River NJ.

The R/V Petrel supports plankton tows in the Mullica River, NJ.

The oceanography research programs at 老司机福利社 focus on circulation of estuaries and nearshore coastal areas and applications to coastal ecosystems. This program takes full advantage of oceanographic instrumentation available at 老司机福利社, including multibeam sonars, CTD, Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers for bottom mounted and shipboard operations, tilt current meters and satellite-tracked drifters. Recent and ongoing projects involving students:

For more information or to collaborate in our region on a related project requiring oceanographic or vessel support contact Dr. Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert.


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