Guide to Residential Life

Fall 2021/Spring 2022/Summer 2022



Welcome to Residential Life. We are excited that you chose 老司机福利社, and have decided to live in our residence halls. The upcoming academic year will be none like anyone has ever experienced.  We have spent our summer planning for your return to provide the safest and best experience possible for you.  We will not be able to go back to the way things were, and the things you were used to will be different, however, we are striving to ensure you can live at 老司机福利社 and be successful in your academic pursuits.  For some of our residential students you will not know anything different.  We ask that you be patient with us, your families, your fellow students, and your faculty and staff.  I know we will have a great year as we are all in this together.   


Steven Radwanski, Ed.D. '05
Executive Director of Residential Life

Fall 2021 COVID-19/Vaccination FAQ


老司机福利社 is requiring students to be vaccinated in order to live on campus. Students who receive a vaccination exemption approved by Health Services will be permitted to live on campus.  Please review the COVID-19 FAQ as well as the Residential Life practices concerning COVID-19.  

Vaccination FAQ for Residential Students

Yes, even those who are fully vaccinated must wear a mask when not in their room or apartment.

Students who have received an exemption from Health Services are not required to wear a mask in their room. However, non-vaccinated students must wear a mask in public places such as hallways, common bathrooms, lounges, and any location outside of their room. 

Yes, students who are fully vaccinated and those that have been approved to receive a vaccination exemption are able to live together. Vaccinated and unvaccinated students do not need to wear a mask in their room or apartment as they are considered a 鈥渉ousehold鈥 unit.  Students living as roommates do not need to wear masks in their rooms/apartments.  All residential students must wear masks in public places, such as laundry rooms, lounges, and shared bathrooms. 

Only fully vaccinated 老司机福利社 residential students may visit each other and must be registered if they are going to stay in a student鈥檚 room past 10pm.

Students may visit the Guide to Residential Life on how to register a 老司机福利社 residential student.

Only fully vaccinated 老司机福利社 residential students may visit each other and must be registered if they are going to stay in a student鈥檚 room past 10pm.

No, non-Residential, non-老司机福利社 students, and families are not permitted to enter the residence halls.  Non-residential, non-老司机福利社 student, and families may stay outside and visit, but cannot enter the residence halls, and must wear a mask at all times.

Yes, the Office of Residential Life will designate a reasonable percentage of rooms for isolation housing for individuals that test positive or display symptoms of COVID-19.


老司机福利社 aims to deliver its mission while protecting the health and safety of our
students and minimizing the potential spread of disease within our community. As a residential
student, the 2019 Novel Coronavirus or similar public health crisis (鈥淐OVID鈥) will impact
your housing experience as 老司机福利社 continues to make public health-informed decisions.
The below policies and guidelines are incorporated into the Guide to Residential Life and are
applicable to all residential students. As always, we will endeavor to update you with timely
information about specific health and safety guidance important for our residential students.


We expect that all members of the 老司机福利社 community鈥攔esidents, staff and guests鈥攁ct
in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including
respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members. All residential
students are prohibited from creating a health or safety hazard within their residential
community and the University may request or require a resident to leave housing if their
continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk for community
members. Residential students are required to comply with health and safety laws, orders,
ordinances, regulations and health and safety guidance adopted by the University and
Residential Life as it relates to public health crises, including COVID. This guidance will evolve
as the public health crisis evolves and may include, but is not limited to, social distancing,
limitations on mass gatherings, wearing a face covering, COVID diagnostic and surveillance
testing (including before or upon arrival to campus), contact tracing, disinfection protocols,
limitations on guests into residence halls, and quarantine / isolation requirements (including
before or upon arrival to campus). Adherence to health and safety requirements applies
to all residents, staff and visitors and extends to all aspects of residential life, including
bedrooms, bathrooms, community kitchens, lounges, computer rooms, courtyards and
other common spaces.

At any time, the University may request or require a resident to leave the residential campus
when that resident鈥檚 continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety
risk for community members. Residential students are required to comply with requests to
leave their assigned space due to COVID or other public health emergency and failure to do
so is a violation of the Guide to Residential Life and may subject a student to emergency
removal from their assigned space. Not all 老司机福利社 residential rooms or halls
are appropriate for self-quarantine or self-isolation; in those situations where a student is
recommended to self-quarantine or self-isolate, students may not be permitted to continue
residing in their residential space and will be provided alternative housing arrangements as
needed. Removal from the residential community to isolate or quarantine does not constitute
a termination of a residential student鈥檚 housing contract.

Residential students may be required to comply with any de-densifying efforts needed on campus
due to COVID or other public health emergencies, including, but not limited to, the relocation 
of all or some residential students to alternative housing. Relocation does not constitute a
termination of a residential student鈥檚 housing contract.

Student lounges and common area bathrooms will be cleaned weekly.  Residential Life will educate and inform residential students on appropriate
cleaning protocols within their assigned spaces to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within
residence halls.

Upon reasonable notice, 老司机福利社 Residential Life reserves the right to terminate housing
contracts due to public health emergency needs, including COVID. In the event 老司机福利社
Residential Life terminates housing contracts due to public health concerns, 老司机福利社 will
offer fair and reasonable reimbursements for impacted students as appropriate and based
on information available at that time.

You agree to release the University, its agents, and employees from any and all damages,
liability, claims, expenses, or loss (collectively, 鈥淐laims鈥) resulting from or arising out of your
use of space within University Housing, including those related to the potential exposure to
contagious viruses like the coronavirus, and to indemnify and hold harmless the University,
its agents, and employees from any Claims resulting from or arising out of your breach of the
terms and conditions of your housing contract. You understand that by residing in 老司机福利社
University Residence Halls you are assuming the risks associated with communal living and,
as in any shared living environment, those risks include potential exposure to contagious
viruses, including the coronavirus.

Your Housing Contract is the basic document that states the contractual obligations between
you and 老司机福利社. You are equally responsible for complying with the policies and
regulations contained herein, including the COVID-19 and Public-Health Informed Housing
Policies Section, as you are for those directly printed on the Housing Contract.

Your floor/apartment will create a community contract, including guidelines for community life. Students must be aware of how their behavior affects the community at all times. Disruption of smooth community living or infringements on the rights of others may result in disciplinary action, including removal from that community. Your Resident Assistant will assist in the facilitation of the community contract when needed. The Residential Life staff is committed to making the halls and apartments genuine learning communities and helping residents be participants in this process.


Damages, vandalism, or the need for additional cleaning in the common areas (hallways, lounges, community baths, courtyards, etc.) of the residential facilities, which cannot be directly attributed to an individual, will be charged pro rata in addition to disciplinary action. Residents are responsible for paying any common area damages billed to them. Please help us prevent these types of charges by respecting the facilities and property of the University. Students can also help by reporting the person(s) responsible for common area damage to the Residential Life staff or to the 老司机福利社 Police.


Students with questions regarding any Residential Life rule, regulation, policy or procedure should discuss them with their Complex Director.

It is the University鈥檚 philosophy that students are responsible citizens of the 老司机福利社 community. Therefore the rules and regulations under which students live are designed to promote individual and group responsibility, as well as to establish base community standards. The spirit of these regulations serve to promote the health, safety and security of persons and/or property; to support local, state and federal laws; and to support the basic guidelines essential for community living. It is expected that the student understands what constitutes acceptable behavior without a written rule to cover every situation.


The regulations specific to campus living are listed in the Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook (available online), Guide to Residential Life, in the Residential Life contract and the University Bulletin. Additionally, as appropriate, campus living rules and regulations are communicated by the Office of Residential Life. 老司机福利社 students are responsible for being familiar with these regulations.

The Resident Student Bill of Rights is a document to remind each resident of their responsibility to their roommates and suite-mates. The bill is intended to complement the Campus Code of Conduct, which all community members are expected to uphold. Your enjoyment of life on campus will depend, to a large extent, on the thoughtful consideration you demonstrate toward others. Basic rights of a roommate/suite-mate include the following:

  • Read and study in one鈥檚 room free from undue interference.
  • Sleep without undue disturbance by noise, guests of roommates, etc.
  • Expect that roommates will respect one鈥檚 personal property.
  • Live in a clean environment.
  • Free access to one鈥檚 room and facilities without pressure from roommates.
  • Host guests (with roommates鈥 agreement) with the understanding that guests are to respect the rights of roommates, suite-mates and other students.
  • Freedom from intimidation and physical or emotional harm.
  • Address conflicts; the Residential Life staff is available to assist.
  • A living environment free from alcohol (if under the legal drinking age of 21) and illegal drugs.

Remember, part of being a responsible community member involves accepting responsibility for the welfare of others. Only you can ensure that you, your roommates/suite-mates, and your neighbors enjoy these rights. Students are encouraged to address and resolve problems through roommate contracts, suite agreements and mediation, with assistance from the Residential Life Staff. Please remember, a guest is any individual that does not reside within the residential space in question. This includes residential 老司机福利社 students residing in other residential spaces, non-residential 老司机福利社 students, non-老司机福利社 students, family members or any individual invited to 老司机福利社 by a resident.

As an educational community, a primary goal of Residential Life is to provide an atmosphere conducive to and supportive of the academic achievement of residents. A student鈥檚 right to study and sleep is given priority at all times. Each resident should be considerate of the rights of others by keeping noise to a minimum, especially during quiet hours.

Quiet Hours are Daily from 10 p.m. to 9 a.m.

During the first and last two weeks of the semester, 24-hour quiet hours are in effect.


Residents are expected to show respect for one another by reducing noise levels when requested by another resident, Residential Life personnel, University officials or Campus Police.


Courtesy hours are in effect at all times. During courtesy hours, when a resident asks another resident to reduce the noise that they are making, compliance with the request is expected. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in disciplinary action.


No bands, DJs or amplification equipment are allowed in the courtyards, interiors or exterior areas without a written permit from the Office of Residential Life. Musical instruments are permitted in residence hall rooms and apartments as long as they do not constitute a noise or fire safety problem.


Any request by a resident for the noise to cease must be honored.

It is a student鈥檚 responsibility to check the condition of a room during the check-in process. Students must inform the office of Residential Life of any discrepancies in writing within 48 hours of checking into your room. Damages committed to an individual room will result in an assessment to an individual room鈥檚 occupant or both/ all occupants jointly. In the event that ownership cannot be determined of any items prohibited by university regulation or state or local laws and discovered in university residences, each of the assigned occupants of the unit having knowledge of the presence of or access to the contraband are considered to be in possession of the items.


Students should also submit a work order so action will be taken to repair or replace damages.

It is expected that all residents will maintain a reasonable standard of cleanliness in their rooms and that rooms will be kept clear of trash and waste. Other conditions that contribute to substandard health and safety of the residence and that necessitate subsequent maintenance attention may result in disciplinary action.

Alteration or relocation of any university owned physical structure or property is prohibited. This includes:

  • Alteration of room or apartment door/room number tags
  • Lofts or any other wooden structures. if constructed they will be immediately disassembled and discarded at the cost of the student
  • Unauthorized furniture elevation devices including rack raisers or cinderblock
  • Items installed to, painted, affixed, hung from or attached to any part of the outside of the buildings or windows. this includes, but is not limited to, signs, antennas, wires, clothesline, etc.
  • Removal of furniture or other items from university common areas and lounges
  • Removal of student room furniture or fixtures from rooms or campus including but not limited to curtains/drapery, window screens, desks, beds, and couches.
  • Addition of any non-university bedding or additional seating
    • Students are allowed to bring additional furniture expect for bedding or additional seating in to their space as long as it does not become so crowded in the room that it blocks egress.
  • Blocking windows, doorways, and vents
  • Propping open building, suite or room doors
  • Painting, patching, wallpapering, installing of wood paneling or refinishing any walls
  • Paining or refinishing any furniture
  • Use nails, screws, or adhesive substances such as contact paper, glue, double sided tape, or decals on walls, ceilings, floors, doors, or furnishings in order to prevent damage to surfaces. painter鈥檚 tape is permissible
  • Storage of any personal belongings in any common spaces, hallways, bathrooms or any space that is not the residence of the owner
  • Tampering with thermostats or any fire safety devices including the covering or dethatching of smoke detectors.
  • Changing or placing additional locks
  • Blocking or preventing egress through a room or apartment doors, hallways, exit doors and stairwells


Students engage in any of the above behaviors are subject to a fine in addition to disciplinary action and the immediate remedy of the violation by staff, which will be charged back to the student.

Various items are prohibited for us because they pose a risk for the health and safety of our students. For example the residence hall complexes are equipped to handle only a certain electrical load so some items are prohibited to prevent fire in addition, appliances within each room must be limited. Additionally items may be prohibited because they are violations of the student code of conduct. The following are items that are prohibited for use and storage within the residential facilities:

  • Additional microwaves in housing 2, 3, 5, chris gaupp, and atlantic city (these are already provided), or additional refrigerators in any housing location.
  • Microwaves exceeding ul listed regulation 120 volts 68hz and 1.1 kilowatts and/or more than one microwave in housing 1 and 4.
  • String lights, fairy lights, lava lamps, halogen lights, heat lamps, himalayan salt lamps, neon and black lights.
  • Extension cords
  • Candles, ignitable lanterns, incense, flammable accelerants, wax warmers, fragrance plugins, wickless candles or similar products
  • Electric heating or cooling appliances
  • Fireworks, combustables
  • Combustible decorations such as straw, hay, palm fronds, vines, branches, etc
  • Curtains besides those provided by the university
  • Large wall coverings including posters, tapestries and flags
  • Unmanned aircraft system, (uas), also known as drones
  • Wall covering deemed a fire hazard by residence life staff including excessive party decorations, construction paper coverings etc.
  • Any devices with external heating plates including but not limited to coffee makers and coffee pots, hot plates, etc. (coffee pots with internal heating elements such as keurig coffee makers are acceptable)
  • Air fryers
  • Artificial or real christmas trees
  • Dart boards (magnetic tipped or nerf dart boards are permitted)
  • Possess empty alcohol containers, funnels, empty kegs or beer balls in housing facilities for safety and sanitary reasons regardless of age
  • Illegal drugs, misused prescription drugs, or presence of drug residue or drug paraphernalia
  • Tattooing kits or paraphernalia
  • Waterbeds, hot tubs, spas and jacuzzis (both inside and adjacent to the residential complexes)

To request approval, please contact for more information.

In addition to the actions outlined in the student code of conduct, students should be aware that taking any of the actions listed below may result in a judicial sanction which could include but is not limited to fines, housing probation and/or loss of housing privileges.

  • The projection or dropping of any object or materials that litter university property or that may cause injury to persons or property. Students may not throw, discard, place or deposit litter in campus buildings or campus grounds except in receptacles provided for such purposes. littering may result in a fine and may include disciplinary action
  • Using a windows as an entrance or exit, or to dispose of any items
  • Vaping, using electronic cigarettes, hookahs, pipes, shishas and the use of other smoking devices outside of designated areas
  • Presence on any building ledge or roof
  • Playing games that encourage the consumption of liquids (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)
  • Playing any athletic games in a room, apartment, or common area of a residence hall without proper authorization; this includes rollerblading, biking, skateboarding and surfing.
  • Use of trampolines in the residence facilities or on campus.
  • Use of Residential Life鈥檚 fire place or grill without authorization from a representative of Residential Life and/or a fire permit.
  • Defacing or vandalizing any university property
  • Posting unapproved advertisements or signage
  • Driving on walkways and service/emergency access roads
  • Cohabitation for example hosting a guest in a space for more than three nights a month
  • Occupying more than one residential space for example placing belongings in both dressers, beds, and desks because a roommate is not currently assigned.
  • Hosting or being present in a space that violates occupancy constraints
  • Providing a student id to another person who its not the owner of the id including guests
  • Accessing the residential building without using
  • Storing bikes in common areas (Lounges, landings, stairwells, of buildings


The Office of Residential Life Reserves the right to deny or remove non-university furniture and equipment when necessary for health, safety or sanitation reasons.

In order to maintain the academic atmosphere of the residence halls, students are expected to conduct themselves in a considerate manner with regard to the rights, obligations and safety needs of others. Accordingly, students are obliged to live in a cooperative manner with their roommates and other community members.


Trained and caring staff members provide assistance to students experiencing a temporary emotional crisis or psychological need. Students seeking counseling services should contact the counseling center.


In order to provide students with timely and quality assistance, the office of Residential Life staff is required to follow standardized procedures whenever a student alludes to or engages in self destructive or disruptive behaviors. These behaviors include but are not limited to remarks about suicide, threats of suicide, suicide gestures or attempts, eating disorders, cutting behaviors, threats of violence or related behavior. Residential Life staff will report all situations in which potential suicide may be a factor so that arrangements for psychological consultation can be made. Similar behavior, which disrupts the residence hall community, may result in disciplinary action, mandated counseling, parental contact and/or removal from the residential community.

老司机福利社 and the office of Residential Life place an emphasis on the importance of alcohol education, as well as the impact alcohol use has on the 老司机福利社 community. The office of Residential Life will educate residents by providing alcohol educational programming.


The Office of Residential Life will also require all first-year freshman residential students to participate in an alcohol and other drug education online module. The educational models  allow students to look at their own drinking habits, learn tips on how to drink in moderation and avoid high-risk drinking, as well as tips on how to deal with others who are disruptive or in danger. information on this course will be emailed to each eligible student with additional instructions and deadlines.


Education is also the objective when disciplinary action is prescribed in alcohol use or abuse situations. Residents will be expected to understand the consequences of their decisions regarding alcohol use. This may include sanctions to attend alcohol education seminars or written assignments regarding the effects of alcohol in addition to sanctions including probation.


The Office of Residential Life will attempt to help those members of the 老司机福利社 Community who may have an issue with alcohol use. Residential Life will act as a referral agent to attempt to get the student to appropriate counseling, when the department becomes aware of a problem.

Residents are expected to abide by all New Jersey state laws and statutes regarding the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. In order to consume alcohol legally in the state of New Jersey, you must be 21 years of age. Additionally engaging, encouraging or promoting others to consume illegal substances, to illegally consume alcohol, purchasing and drinking large quantities of alcohol, or permitting such to occur in your residence is prohibited. Participating in the following  behavior violates these standards and will result in disciplinary action that may include permanent loss of housing. violations and fines are cumulative throughout an individual鈥檚 on-campus residency

  • Consume and possess alcohol responsibly in their room (excluding housing 2 & 3 and any other residential area designated for freshman students). If all residents of an apartment are 21 students who are 21 may possess and consume alcohol in their common area.
  • Transport alcohol, excluding large quantities, in closed containers before 10 p.m.
  • Provide alcohol to any minor under 21 years ol. All people serving alcohol are responsible for confirming that the people they serve are 21
  • Allowing the possession or consumption of alcohol by a minor(s) in one鈥檚 room/apartment
  • Provide large quantities of alcohol to any person
  • Collect money from any person to purchase and/or provide alcohol
  • Transport alcohol in any residential area after 10 p.m.
  • Participate in any drinking game or other irresponsible alcohol consumption
  • Consume alcohol in any housing location does not house only 21 year old students. For example if a 21 year old student shares an apartment with an under 21 year old student they may not consume or store alcohol in any common spaces. Only in their room or the room of another 21 year old roommate.
  • Possess empty alcohol containers, funnels, empty kegs or beer balls in housing facilities for safety and sanitary reasons
  • Possess or consume alcohol in public areas of the campus except when special permits are obtained through the university鈥檚 food service vendor. this includes lounges, student centers, courtyards, parking lots, or walkways.
  • Consume alcohol to excess. this includes, but is not limited to, participating in or encouraging and/or coercing drinking games, alcoholic consumption against one鈥檚 will and binge drinking. non-alcohol-based drinking games, including those using water, are also prohibited in the residence halls since they may cause harm to an individual.

Be present at any location on campus where there is an alcohol violation

  • Consume alcohol in any area on campus
  • Be in possession of an alcoholic beverage
  • Accept an alcoholic beverage from any person
  • Possess empty alcohol containers, funnels, empty kegs or beer balls in housing facilities for safety and sanitary reasons
  • Be present at any location on campus where there is an alcohol violation
  • Consume alcohol in excess. This includes, but is not limited to, participating in or encouraging and/or coercing drinking games, alcoholic consumption against one鈥檚 will and binge drinking. non-alcohol-based drinking games, including those using water, are also prohibited in the residence halls since they may cause harm to an individual.


Residential Life Staff, 老司机福利社 Police or Other University Officials reserve the right to inspect and/or immediately cancel an event involving alcohol if deemed necessary. Cooperation and assistance is expected from the host on such occasions.

A guest is any individual that does not reside within the residential space in question. This includes residential stockton students residing in other residential space, non-residential stockton students, non-stockton students, family members or any individual invited to stockton by a resident.

All Guests:

  • Must be registered through residence life staff in the community staff office
  • Must be with their host at all times
  • Are responsible for providing identification indicating proof of age. Individuals, including guests, providing false identification will be subject to prosecution by local and state law enforcement officials in addition to the university鈥檚 judicial system.
  • Are required to abide by all university policy as outlined above regarding alcohol. For example, if there is a guest of an under 21 year old student they may not possess or consume alcohol in a residence hall room of a student who is under 21.
  • Shall be liable for any injury or damage occurring to any person or property in which the consumption of alcohol was a contributing factor.


Guests who violate alcohol and other drug policies are subject to a ban from all residential areas.

It Is a violation of policy at the university to collect money in return for alcoholic beverages regardless if the individual involved is of age or underage. Individuals involved in the collection of monies in return for alcoholic beverages will be referred to the campus hearing board for disciplinary action.

The university reserves the right to refer any offense, herein described, to the campus hearing board and/or proper authorities for civil and/or criminal action. Students violating these standards who do not reside on campus will be subject to being banned from the residential areas and/or referral to The Campus Hearing Board for appropriate disciplinary actions. repeat offenders may be subject to additional sanctions. please refer to the university鈥檚 campus conduct code on the policy and procedures website.


Individuals involved with violations of other university policies (fights, vandalism, etc.) while under the influence of alcohol may be required to attend an alcohol education program as part of their disciplinary sanction. When alcohol is deemed to be a contributing factor in other violation(s) of university or Residential Life regulations, the student involved may receive consequences related to their drinking in addition to the sanctions relative to the initial violation(s).

In an effort to promote responsible student behavior and respect for the health and welfare of all members of the collegiate community, campus hearing board panel members may take into account whether an accused student attempted to take remedial action to assist a victim in a life-threatening situation when determining the appropriate sanction. Providing students with necessary medical assistance due to over-consumption of alcohol and/or other drugs takes priority over judicial or criminal considerations. Students are encouraged strongly to seek immediate assistance for themselves or their friends without regard for possible disciplinary or criminal concerns. Consideration for disciplinary leniency will be given to students who require medical support or who request medical support for others due to dangerous consumption of alcohol or drugs.

老司机福利社 has a zero tolerance stance as it relates to the possession, use or distribution of any illegal drugs. All students, faculty and staff must adhere to the campus conduct code, which supports a drug-free university. All state and federal laws regarding the possession, use and distribution of drugs, both legal and illegal, are to be adhered to by all campus residents and their guests. Violation of the campus conduct code (including its statement regarding drugs) by a resident鈥檚 guest becomes the responsibility of the resident.

Illegal drugs, misuse of prescription drugs, or presence of drug residue or drug paraphernalia is a violation of the Residential Life drug policy. In addition, repeated suspicion of drug use could also result in violation of the residential drug policy and sanctioning from the office of Residential Life. Housing privileges of students charged with possession with intent to distribute or with selling drugs may be temporarily suspended pending results of the campus judicial process. Students convicted of selling drugs will be immediately and permanently evicted from campus housing and are subject to suspension/expulsion from the university. Students arrested and criminally charged with possessing and using drugs or possessing drug paraphernalia are subject to judicial action which may require completion of an alcohol/ drug education course and community service. Certification of completion of an alcohol/ drug education program will be necessary for continued residency on campus. Please refer to the university鈥檚 Campus Conduct Code on the policy and procedures website.

Smoking poses a significant risk to the health of both the smoker and non-smokers. The New Jersey Legislature finds tobacco to be the leading cause of preventable disease and death and that tobacco smoke constitutes a substantial health hazard to the non-smoking majority. The 鈥淣ew Jersey smoke-free air act,鈥 N.J.S.A 26:3d-56, prohibits smoking of tobacco products and the use of electronic smoking devices in all enclosed indoor places of public access and workplaces, with few exceptions. Therefore, smoking is prohibited in all university buildings, vestibules (wings a through m), all connect ways between buildings and university-owned or leased vehicles. Designated areas where smoking may be permitted will be indicated by appropriate signage.


All buildings in the residential hall complexes are designated as smoke-free; therefore, all residents and guests are prohibited from smoking in any residence hall or apartment-style building. Vaping, electronic cigarettes, and the use of other smoking devices are prohibited. Residential students and their guests must only smoke in designated areas. No smoking shall take place in front of or around entrances to buildings or apartments. In addition, no candles, ignitable lanterns, incense, flammable accelerants or similar products are permitted in any buildings.


All 老司机福利社 employees, students and visitors are required to comply with these standards. student violators will be called before the campus hearing board. Violators may be subject to civil penalties of $250 for the first offense, $500 for the second offense and $1,000 for each subsequent offense (N.J.S.A 26:3d-62) and/or criminal penalties of a fine up to $200 (N.J.S.A 2c:33-13).

Solicitation by off-campus businesses or individuals or by campus clubs and organizations is prohibited in residential areas. Exceptions will only be granted in writing by the Executive Director of Residential Life. Campus clubs and organizations, as well as off-campus vendors may request permission to sell items in the Lodge at Lakeside, Townsend Residential Life Center, or the Atlantic City Residential Complex common areas information is available through the office of event services, Campus Center, suite 241, 609-652-4878.

The Guest Visitation and Registration standards are designed to foster a living learning environment in an open campus while recognizing privacy interests of students living in University housing. The University鈥檚 housing areas are not open to the public and are open to non-residential students on a limited basis as articulated below. The standards are anchored in a concern for safety and security where guest registration will provide invaluable information to the University in emergency situations


老司机福利社 considers a guest any individual that does not reside within the residential space in question. This includes residential 老司机福利社 students residing in other residential space, non-residential 老司机福利社 students, non-老司机福利社 students, family members or any individual invited to 老司机福利社 by a resident. Any guest of a 老司机福利社 Student must:

  • Register with Residence Life by visiting a housing office location for any guest who is going to be present in the residence halls past 10pm. Guests must be registered by midnight.
  • Carry identification with proof of age and full legal name
  • Be with their host at all times. Students with guests visiting must keep the guests with them. A guest cannot remain in a residential space while the host leaves for extended periods of time (i.e. attending class or work).
  • Have the consent of all roommates of the host in order to visit the residential space

老司机福利社 university students are required to be responsible for their guests and the actions of their guests. This includes any violation of university policy, local and state law. Additionally Guests who violate policies including the alcohol and other drug policies are subject to a ban from all residential areas. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to change, modify, or restrict guest procedures for all residential students.

With the help of a Residential Life staff member, residents are required to register all guests who plan to remain in residential complexes between the hours of 10:00p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Residential Life staff members can register a guest Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. 鈥 11:45 p.m., Sat-Sun, 12 noon 鈥 11:45pm at their community staff office. Guest Registration serves as a means of and provides the University information as to those in housing should there be a health, fire or national emergency.

For all 老司机福利社 residence halls, each resident of a housing unit may register up to two overnight guests per residential student. However, the Office of Residential Life reserves the right to limit the number of guests and/ or overnight guests at any given time.


Overnight guests cannot stay more than three consecutive days. Extended overnight visitation beyond three consecutive days is not permitted without written approval from the Executive Director of Residential Life. Residents may host guests for a maximum stay of three times per calendar month per guest.  All guests must depart by 12:00 pm the following day.


For residential 老司机福利社 students, overnight visitation to another residential space may not exceed three days per calendar week, starting each Monday. Visitation in excess to this may be found to be in violation of the Cohabitation standards.


If the University learns unapproved overnight guests are not properly registered

  • The guest may be considered a trespasser and subject to arrest and immediate removal
  • The host resident may be subject to University discipline including the revocation of housing privileges with the forfeiture of any housing payment(s) made.

The University may exercise its judgment as to how to proceed given the totality of the circumstances involved.

Sharing a residence hall with anyone who is not your university assigned roommate, hosting boarders or assigning, subletting or transferring said premises or any part thereof may be cause for immediate termination and loss of campus housing for a minimum of one year.

An exception to the guest policy is during the first two and last two weeks of the semester and at times when the University or the Office of Residential Life deems it necessary to restrict guests. During the first two and last two weeks of the semester, guests may be permitted to visit residents during day time hours and until 10:00 p.m. only with advanced consent from all roommates. However, during the first two and last two weeks of the semester, overnight guests 鈥 including residential 老司机福利社 students, non-residential 老司机福利社 students, and non-students 鈥 are not permitted. Guests must leave by 10:00 p.m.


Residents with complaints regarding the visitation standards or enforcement of the standards are asked to contact the Office of Residential Life at 609-652-4332 in A-100, or at 609-6524697 in the Lodge at Lakeside, the Atlantic City Residential Office 609-761-1232 or 老司机福利社 Police at 609-652-4390 (non-emergency).

Per COVID-19 guidelines only fully vaccinated residential students may be guests in the residence halls.  No, non-residential, Please reference the COVID FAQ.

All guests must be mutually agreed upon by all assigned roommates as negotiated through roommate or community agreements prior to visitation. Where a roommate does not consent, students and guests may meet in common areas including residence hall lounges prior to 10:00 p.m.

The exception is during the first two and last two weeks of the semester. During the first two and last two weeks of the semester, guests may be permitted to visit residents during day time hours and until 10:00 p.m. only with advanced consent from all roommates. However, during the first two and last two weeks of the semester, overnight guests are not permitted. 

Students and their guest must visit a Residential Life office between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. (since the offices close promptly at midnight). Guests must present a valid I.D. to be recorded by the Residential Life staff.

  1. Only fully vaccinated residential students may be overnight guests.
  2. Any individual banned from campus and any individual, including 老司机福利社 students, banned from housing
  3. Minors under 18 without prior knowledge and consent of roommates and written approval of the Executive Director of Residential Life. In the event the roommate(s) does not consent, students and their child guest may meet in lounges or other common areas. The student host is responsible for all actions of their guests. Minor guests are not permitted to visit in the residence halls/apartments after 10 p.m. Only one child guest may be entertained at a time per student. Baby-sitting is not permitted in any residential facility.

For Fall 2021, no parking pass is needed as only current residential students are permitted to be guests.  

Registration serves as validation of roommate endorsement. It serves as a means to contact your guest in family or health situations and provides the University information as to those in housing should there be a health, fire or national emergency.

Overnight guests cannot stay more than three consecutive days. Extended overnight visitation beyond three consecutive days is not permitted without written approval from the Executive Director of Residential Life. Residents may host guests for a maximum stay of three times per calendar month per guest.

For residential 老司机福利社 students, overnight visitation to another residential space may not exceed three days per calendar week, starting each Monday. Visitation in excess to this may be found to be in violation of the Cohabitation standards below.

Guests shall be permitted in housing complex areas during Welcome Week, until 10 p.m. During exam periods and other times no guests shall be permitted, as determined by the Office of Residential Life.

The 老司机福利社 residential student is responsible for the behavior of their guests and overnight guests, and is subject to disciplinary action if their guest or overnight guest violates 老司机福利社鈥檚 policies and/or procedures. If a residential 老司机福利社 student is found in violation of university standards while in another residential area, they may be subject to additional disciplinary action due to their actions.

Students with guests visiting must keep the guests with them. A guest cannot remain in a residential space while the host leaves for extended periods of time (i.e. attending class or work).

Violators of the guest and Overnight Guest Registration Standards will be subject to sanctions and will be referred for appropriate disciplinary action. Residential guests may be arrested for trespassing and resident students subject to disciplinary action for failing to register a guest. 老司机福利社 Police and the Office of Residential Life reserve the right to suspend guest privileges when it is in the interest of the University community. Guests, including family members, who violate university policies may be subject to a ban from all residential areas.

Residents with complaints regarding the visitation standards or enforcement of the standards are asked to contact the Office of Residential Life at 609-652-4332 in A-100, or at 609-6524697 in the Lodge at Lakeside, the Atlantic City Residential Office 609-761-1232 or 老司机福利社 Police at 609-652-4390 (non-emergency).

The goal of the student conduct process is to ensure that community standards are maintained in the 老司机福利社 community. Conduct hearing officers partner with students in navigating the accountability process to ensure that they are able to build the skills and knowledge that allow them to positively contribute to their community, and restore any harm that may have been caused to an individual or to the community.


Violations of the Guide to Residential Life or Code of Conduct are called to the attention of the Office of Residential Life and/or the Care and Community Standards Office. In all instances, an alleged violation of the policies will result in investigation. A student is presumed not in violation until found in violation. The standard of proof used at stockton university is a preponderance of evidence. This means that in order for a student to be found responsible or not responsible it needs to be 鈥渕ore likely than not鈥, based on the evidence presented, that a policy was violated or not for a student to be found in that way.  For students found responsible for the charges they are assigned, sanctions may be applied individually or in combination as appropriate to a given case.

An incident report is used for documenting and reporting all levels of events such as Code of Conduct, bias, fire, theft, vandalism, behavioral incidents, medical emergencies, etc. The form is typically completed by those staff members who have initial contact with the incident, or directly by a student.

老司机福利社 students have the ability to submit a code of conduct complaint form in the gostockton portal.

Following the occurrence of an incident involving a possible standard or Code of Conduct violation, the student shall receive a notice informing them of a forthcoming conference or pre-hearing interview appointment. The notice will indicate the time, date and location required to meet with the respective staff. If and when an appointment conflicts with the student鈥檚 schedule, it will be the student鈥檚 responsibility to notify the staff to reschedule the appointment.


One attempt will be made to notify the student. following a single unsuccessful attempt, a decision will be made concerning the alleged violation(s) without the student鈥檚 input and/or presence.

Based on what a student is charged with they may be scheduled for a pre-hearing. During this process a student will meet with a hearing officer to discuss the incident for which they are alleged to have been involved and how that incident has applied to the charges assigned. During this time the student will have the opportunity to enter a plea of responsible, responsible with explanation, or not responsible. If the pre-hearing officer and the student agree on the students responsibly or lack of responsibility through this process the case is resolved through the pre-hearing. If not the student will either move on to a Hearing Board or Administrative Hearing.

Depending on the nature of the incident, the disciplinary meeting may be scheduled with any of the following individuals: Complex Director, Assistant Director Of Residential Life, Associate Director Of Residential Life, Executive Director Of Residential Life or a member of the Dean Of Students鈥 staff. Failure to schedule a meeting within the designated time frame or failure to attend a scheduled meeting time may result in the meeting being held in the student鈥檚 absence, and if necessary, a sanction(s) being issued. The Executive Director Of Residential Life in consultation with the Dean may, at any time, terminate a student鈥檚 residence contract immediately, when it is deemed in the best interest of the Residential Life Community. The student may need to vacate the premises immediately.

The Residential Hearing Board Panel is a panel of current residential students who will review the case in a manner that provides opportunities for the complainant and respondent to present information in substance and form comparable to that provided by a Disciplinary Hearing. The student will be permitted to present testimony, evidence and witnesses.


In addition, a student may attend the conference with an advisor. However, the advisor will not be permitted to participate in the conference directly. The advisor may communicate only through writing, outside communication or otherwise prior to the beginning of the disciplinary process. During this process the board will hear the case as presented and then decide on the responsibility of the student based on a preponderance of evidence. If a student is found responsible for charges during a Residential Hearing Board, the panel will assign the student sanctions they deem fitting of the charge.

A Residential Life administrator will review incident reports and determine if conduct resolution action is appropriate. The conduct resolution venues within the Office Of Residential Life Include pre-hearing meetings, administrative hearings and Residential Hearing Boards. Residential Life administrators have the prerogative to refer an incident to another office within the university for resolution. There may be occasion when university officials (E.G., Campus Police) refer a housing incident to another office within the university for resolution. Cases involving charges that could result in any separation from housing and/or the university will be referred to the Care And Community Standards Office for processing.

A Campus Hearing Board Panel consists of students, faculty and/or administrators. The Campus Hearing Board panel will review the case in a manner that provides opportunities for the complainant and respondent to present information in substance and form comparable to that provided by a Campus Hearing Board panel. The decision(s) from this Hearing Board Are based on a majority vote from the panel. Please refer to the Code of Conduct  and the 老司机福利社 Policy And Procedures website for complete details on community policies and student grievances procedures.

University personnel will utilize administrative discretion and may decide to contact other university officials such as counseling staff, athletics staff or academic administrators regarding student conduct or conduct resolution issues.

A student will receive a decision letter when the resolution process is complete via stockton email. A decision letter will provide the student with a summary of standard or code of conduct violations, sanctions and appeal information. Timeliness will be emphasized in the delivery of decision letters at the conclusion of a disciplinary investigation.

If the student is found 鈥渞esponsible鈥 for a violation of the Campus Conduct Code, or Guide To Residential Life, One or more sanctions may be imposed. A list of sanctions can be found on the Office Of Care And Community Standards website. some sanctions specific to Residential Life Cases include:

Students sanctioned with community service are required to complete the service learning restorative justice module on blackboard and no less than 7 hours of community service. These hours may be increased based on charges and the discretion of the hearing officer or board.

One of the consequences of inappropriate behavior or violations of standard or code of conduct can be a fine or restitution. This does not alleviate a student from any further liability. fines are a direct consequence of inappropriate behavior and are assessed to reduce the occurrence of the behavior. billing for damages represents restitution that will eventually result in replacement or repair of an item. fines are charged directly to a student鈥檚 account.

Non-residential violators (students or non-students) may be sanctioned with a loss of housing visitation. This means that person is not able to enter the housing area including buildings, lounges, common spaces, and parking lots.

Residential students who are sanctioned with loss of guest privileges are unable to host any guests. A guest is any person (student or non student) who does not live in your residential space.

Students are placed on housing probation for inappropriate behavior. While on housing probation, students are expected to adhere to the Campus Conduct Code, the Guide to Residential Life, and to function effectively within the 老司机福利社 community. Failure to exhibit appropriate behavior and/or continued involvement with violations of the Residence Contract and Agreement, Campus Conduct Code or Guide to Residential Life while on probation may subject the student to immediate loss of housing. A student may be placed on housing probation by the Office Of Residential Life for:

  • Being involved with violations of the Campus Conduct Code, the Guide To Residential Life, the Residence Contract and Agreement or damages during the academic year.
  • Other circumstances deemed sufficient by the Executive Director Of Residential Life or their designee, the Residential Hearing Board, or the Campus Hearing Board

In cases where the Residential Life staff makes a judgment that the presence of an alleged student violator of the Campus Conduct Code or Residential Life standards or procedures, presents an imminent danger to an individual and/or others on the campus, or to the orderly conduct of the university, or is a threat to the health and safety of themselves or others, the accused student may be temporarily suspended from housing pending a hearing.

Certain disciplinary action could result in the termination of the Residence Hall Contract. When a student is removed from housing, the student is also banned from the residential areas of campus including the green areas and parking lots around the residence halls. When a student is removed from housing, the student forfeits the entire amount of the academic year housing agreement and is required to continue to pay for housing through the end of the contracted agreement. Removal from housing is considered permanent unless lifted by the Dean Of Students.

If a student fails to complete community service hours and/or designated projects by the deadline stated by the sanction, additional conduct resolution action may be taken. This additional action may result in the student account being placed on hold, parental contact, termination of housing or more severe sanctions up to and including expulsion from the university.

Students are given the opportunity to appeal a staff鈥檚 conduct resolution decision to the Assistant Director for Community Standards or their designee. When action is taken by an assistant director, an appeal can be submitted to the Executive Director of Residential Life.


The student may appeal the Executive Director Of Residential Life鈥檚 decision by filing an appeal to the Dean Of Students within five (5) business days. Any appeal must be submitted in writing within five business days of the date of the decision letter.


A Student shall have the right to appeal on the basis that due process was not followed. The student must demonstrate that there was substantial and pre-conduct resolution failure to follow procedures.

To be eligible for on-campus housing, students must be matriculated, registered for 12 or more credits, and must meet all health immunization requirements. Students may also live in housing if they are accepted into the Pathways program. Students applying for housing during the summer (May through August), must be a current 老司机福利社 student in good standing. Affiliates applying for housing during the summer (May through August), must provide supporting documentation which includes health immunization documentation. More information will be available in the Residential Agreement for affiliate summer housing. Any student who falls below the 12-credit threshold must contact the Executive Director of Residential Life or their designee at 609-652-4332.

Family housing will be offered in the Atlantic City residential complex. More information will be available in the Residential Agreement for family housing.

All new residential students are required to present proof of immunization required by the Health Services Office at 老司机福利社. Documentation must be provided to the Office of Health Services. For details on this and other immunization requirements, see their website, Failure to supply forms by designated deadlines will impact a student鈥檚 ability to check in to the residence halls on opening day.

For the protection of personal belongings, students are encouraged to maintain insurance on any items brought to campus. The Office of Residential Life is not liable for damage to or loss of personal property, or failure or interruption of services in the facilities. The University is insured under the State of New Jersey. Neither the University nor the State insurance will reimburse for losses created by theft, fire, water damage, mold, unforeseen accidents and/ or injuries, or other circumstances that may occur. Residents are encouraged to secure their own personal property loss insurance. The following suggestions may help you secure property insurance.

  1. If you are a dependent, check with your parent鈥檚 or guardian鈥檚 insurance company (homeowner鈥檚 insurance or renter鈥檚 insurance) to see if your personal property can be included on their current plan while you are at school.
  2. Compare insurance companies that provide students personal property insurance plans. Ask if the insurance plan includes replacement cost value or only actual cost value including depreciation.

Students are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that protects any student attending a postsecondary institution from having their education records, records amended, or disclosure of personally identifiable information given out. When a student reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, he or she becomes an 鈥渆ligible student鈥 under FERPA and all rights formerly given to parents transfer to the student. Additional information about FERPA can be found here: registrar/student-rights/ferpa.html

If a residential student determines that they would like to grant or revoke access to their Educational Record, the Office of Residential Life, Residential Student Record Waiver Form can be modified. This document, distributed by the Office of Residential Life upon request, only covers that information related to Residential Life and no other campus departments.

The staff in Residential Life work diligently to see that on-campus living provides a positive experience for each student. We want your residence area to become an experience you can look back on and realize how much you have learned and grown. A residence hall experience should provide a sense of community, friendship, growth, learning outside the classroom, leadership opportunities and engagement. The goal of assigning freshmen and transfer students is to match roommates and then place them in a housing assignment. Room location and roommate preferences are dependent upon space and cannot be guaranteed.

Students who are assigned to a nine-month residential contract and wish to change to a 12-month residential contract may do so under certain circumstances. The 12-month contract option is in Galloway and Atlantic City. Students will have the cost of their winter housing placed on their bill in October, and the cost of their summer housing will be placed on their bill in March. Consultation with a representative of the Office of Residential Life is required, and a modification may not be authorized. If changes are requested during the spring semester of the existing contract, summer housing options may be offered in lieu of a 12-month housing contract.

During the year, vacant spaces may exist within rooms. Any resident must be prepared to receive a roommate at any time. This means keeping your belongings in only one portion of the room so that the new roommate has space for their possessions and will feel welcomed. Residential Life staff will inspect vacant spaces on a regular basis to ensure the vacant space is kept clean. Inappropriate use of vacant space will be addressed by Residential Life staff members and may be referred to the conduct process. Please note that the Office of Residential Life will make every effort to notify you and other roommates when we will be filling a vacancy. In some instances, the student(s) may not be notified in advance if the situation warrants an immediate move. This type of situation is unusual, but does occur. The room must be maintained at all times in a manner that would make it possible for another student to feel comfortable moving in. It is each student鈥檚 responsibility to ensure that all original University property is present in the room (e.g. beds, dressers, desks, etc.) and that all University space (closet, bed, desk, dresser) is available.


The resident must not discourage students seeking a room change from moving into the vacancy. If the resident fails to participate in the consolidation process, the resident will be subject to judicial action and the student account will be put on hold for failing to comply with the consolidation standards. The room charge will be changed and prorated daily according to the date of the room change.

The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to change assignments in order to provide for maximum occupancy and utilization of space. Residents living in double, triple or quad housing situations that are not fully occupied (under-assigned rooms) will be subject to room consolidation. Consolidation exists to bring equity between the residents. Residents in those rooms may be contacted to choose between the following options:

  1. Have another resident(s) move into their room to fill all spaces
  2. Move to another space to fill a room.

The University reserves all rights in regard to the assignment, reassignment or over- assignment of any room or the termination of its occupancy. The University also reserves the right to reassign a resident to another room/apartment for renovations, repairs or health and safety issues. In the event of an emergency, a resident may be moved without prior notice. All empty spaces must be available for new and transferring residents at all times. Residential Life will determine moves. Failure to consolidate properly may result in disciplinary action.

Students should refer to the Residential Life contract section 39 for details about cancelling their housing and any fees that may be associated with cancelling the housing contract. 

Refusal to Enter Agreement

The University reserves the right to refuse housing to any individual whose presence may not be in the best interest of the community. Residents are expected to consistently demonstrate a willingness and ability to maintain reasonable roommate and community relationships. Failure to abide by community standards may result in the termination of this contract.

Prior to arriving on campus, new students are assigned to a specific room with a roommate (when applicable). Upon arrival and check-in with the Office of Residential Life, students are:

  • Issued student identification cards
  • Given access to their rooms
  • Given important residential information.

A Residence Life staff member will have reviewed the condition of all rooms prior to move-in. It is each student鈥檚 responsibility to review the condition of their room as well. If there are any issues with the student鈥檚 space, they must contact Residential Life via email within 72 hours. If the condition of your room has changed during your stay, you will be assessed a fee for the repair or replacement of items which may have been damaged or are missing from the room. Once again, it is very important for students to review the condition of the room carefully upon your arrival. Throughout the semester, all repairs should be documented by submitting a work order.

When students move out of any residential facilities, students are responsible for the condition of the room at the time of checkout and are bound by the terms of the housing contract.

In addition, students are responsible for returning their key/fob (if applicable) to the Office of Residential Life. It is important that you follow the checkout procedures below to decrease the possibility of incurring charges.

  • All residential students must vacate their housing assignments by 10:00 a.m. the day after the last day of finals.
  • There will be an administrative processing charge for those residents who do not remove their belongings and return their keys/fobs (if applicable) on or before the prescribed checkout date.
  • All residents are responsible for the state of a room/apartment when they leave. All trash should be removed. The residence should be in excellent condition with all required University furniture in original place.
  • A $50 Improper Checkout Charge may be applied for the following reasons:
  • Failure to check out on time.
  • Failure to remove all possessions from the residence by check-out.
  • Other charges may be applied, e.g., room key not returned; extra cleaning required; room/apartment damages according to cost of repairs.

Students will be notified of any damage charges by June 25 via their go老司机福利社 email address. The student will have 12 business days to appeal the damage charge. Instructions on how to appeal the damage charge will be included in the letter they receive.

If a student leaves belongings in their room upon check-out, these objects will be assumed to be abandoned and may be discarded. This standard is in effect if a student is removed from or leaves housing willingly, regardless of whether or not they have checked out properly. If a student leaves a large amount of property in their room, every effort will be made to contact the student. If the student does not claim the property within 48 hours of being contacted, the belongings may be discarded. The student will be responsible for all moving and disposal fees.

Students Are Permitted To Stay Over Winter Break If Approved.  Residential Students Who Have Not Signed Up For A 12-month Housing Contract, Must:

  • Apply Online
  • Sign A Residential Life Agreement,
  • Be Approved By The Office Of Residential Life

Residents Requesting To Stay During This Time Will Be Subject To A Daily Rate. The Office Of Residential Life Will Email Information On Closing The Residence Halls, Late Departure, And Winter/Summer Housing Sessions Approximately One Month Before Closing. No Overnight Guests Are Allowed During Winter Or Spring Breaks And Meal Plan Options Are Not Available. Meals Can Be Purchased With Cash And Facilities Will Operate On A Limited Schedule.  Students Staying In Housing 2, And 3 Will Have Access To The Trlc Kitchen To Cook For Themselves Over The Break. Shuttle Services May Be Unavailable Or Operate On A Limited Schedule. Students Who Are Seeking A Room Change During Winter Break May Need To Remove Their Items At The Conclusion Of The Fall Semester.

Students Are Not Required To Move For Thanksgiving Or Spring Break And There Is No Additional Cost To Remain On Campus During This Time. However, Students Must Register With The Office Of Residential Life To Stay In Housing Over These Periods Of Time. Meal Plan And Transportation Options Are Not Available Over Thanksgiving And Spring Breaks. Meals Can Be Purchased With Cash And Facilities Will Operate On A Limited Schedule. Shuttle Services Are Not Available Over Thanksgiving And Spring Breaks. 

All residents are issued either a key and/or ID card to access their room, suite or apartment. Residents are expected to keep doors to rooms, apartments and suites closed and locked at all times. They are also expected to always carry their Student ID and room key (if issued). Residents who give their keys and/or Student ID cards to anyone, including their guests, are subject to disciplinary action and a fine. These items are non-transferable.

Residential Areas 鈥 Exterior doors and some interior doors have keyless entry. The student鈥檚 ID card is programmed upon check-in to operate the exterior door. Depending on whether the interior door lock is keyless or key required, some students will receive a key for their suite door.

Apartments 鈥 All apartments have keyless entry into their exterior and/or suite door. Upon check-in, the student鈥檚 ID card is programmed for access.

Students are required to carry their 老司机福利社 Identification Card (ID) at all times and to present their ID card when requested by authorized campus personnel, which include but are not limited to: staff members of the Office of Residential Life, Food Service, Student Development, Bookstore, Library, Athletics, Wellness Center, Office of the Dean of Students, Campus Police, Financial Aid, Registrar and Bursar鈥檚 Office. Students living on campus must swipe their ID upon entrance into a building at all times.

ID cards must only be in the possession of the student whose name appears on the card.

Any alteration or illegal use of 老司机福利社 identification cards is prohibited.

Lost or stolen ID cards must be reported through GetFood and then to the Office of Student Records (CC-203) to obtain a new ID card. Students must immediately report lost or stolen ID cards by logging onto  GetFood, also found on the go老司机福利社 portal Student Life tab. Once a card is reported lost or stolen, a new 老司机福利社 ID will be generated automatically and the old ID will no longer be valid. During regular business hours, students must pay a $25.00 replacement fee at the Bursar鈥檚 Office before obtaining a new ID from the Office of the Registrar. Once this ID is received, the student must report to their corresponding Residential Life Office to have their card encoded for their housing assignment. The new ID card will not be activated until the student returns to the Residential Life office.

In the event that student is unable to access their room because of a lost or stolen ID/hard key, the student should visit the Office of Residential Life, RA Office, or contact Campus Police depending on the time of day.

All students seeking assistance with a lock-out will be charged a fine. The first incident will be a warning, the second incident will accrue a $5 charge, the third incident will accrue a $10 charge. Any additional offenses will result in an a fee of $25.

Authorized University personnel have a master key or access card for residential areas so that the University may enter residences for the following reasons:

  • Emergencies
  • Fire drills
  • Occupancy and probation inspections
  • General repairs
  • Delivery of official Residential Life correspondence
  • Suspected violation of University standards
  • Alleviation of persistent noise

Students shall not place any additional locks on said premises. Housing keys are the property of the State of New Jersey. The University and the Office of Residential Life reserve the right to enter all apartments, suites and rooms with or without the resident鈥檚 permission.

Students are advised to refer to the University鈥檚 Policy and Procedures website and its Pets on University Property policy.

A service animal is defined as a dog that has been trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability. The task(s) performed by the service animal must be directly related to the person鈥檚 disability. Species other than dogs are not considered service animals for the purpose of this definition of a service animal.

It is best practice to notify the Learning Access Program at 609-652-4988 that a partner/ handler or individual with a disability will be bringing a service animal to campus. The Learning Access Program can advocate with Residential Life should any situations occur in response to the service animal. If residing on campus it is requested that vaccination records be submitted to the Learning Access Program.

Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

A request for an emotional support animal in the residence halls is treated as an accommodated housing request and must follow the general principles applicable to all accommodation requests through the Learning Access Program. Persons with disabilities may request an emotional support animal under both the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 under the following conditions:

  1. The person has a documented disability and is registered with the Learning Access Program;
  2. The animal is necessary to afford the person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling; and
  3. There is an identifiable relationship or nexus between the disability and the assistance the animal provides (documentation must be provided to support the need for an emotional support animal in residential housing).

Emotional support animals and the associated items of care are limited to the student鈥檚 assigned bedroom space.


To request an emotional support animal, a student must register with the Learning Access Program as a student with a diagnosed disability and submit accommodated housing and ESA request forms completed by a licensed medical practitioner. For additional information regarding emotional support animals, please contact the Learning Access Program at 609- 652-4988.

The University provides no storage space for students outside of assigned rooms, apartments or suites. Students cannot use the common areas, custodial closets, outdoor stairwells or electrical closets for the storage of any personal property. 老司机福利社 shall not be responsible for any loss resulting from the disposition of any property found in these areas.

No person shall spill, dump or dispose of materials other than storm water into the University鈥檚 storm sewer system or in the ocean or on beaches. No person shall discharge or cause to discharge through illicit connection to the University鈥檚 storm sewer system any domestic sewage, non-contact cooling water, process wastewater or other industrial waste.

The State Fire Marshall prohibits the use of any live trees within residential areas owned and/ or leased by the State of New Jersey. Artificial holiday trees are not permitted in the Residential Life areas. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to deny or remove artificial trees when necessary for safety reasons.  All windows, doors, doorways and vents must remain accessible and unobstructed at all times. It is considered a violation of both the furniture policy standard and fire safety regulations if these areas are inaccessible or obstructed. Any live trees discovered in rooms and/or apartments will be removed immediately.

All students are prohibited from the use of Unmanned Aircraft System, (UAS), also known as drones in and around any Residential Life area in order to provide a safe environment for students. Any University employee, or student planning to operate an UAS as part of their University employment or used in support of research, teaching or testing as part of a University program near any Residential Life area must first contact the Executive Director for Residential Life or their designee for approval. 

No person shall feed any unconfined wildlife located on University property, except when such wildlife is part of approved academic research. Feeding does not include baiting when performed by persons fishing with licenses. No hunting of any kind is permitted on campus. Feeding occurs when one gives, places, exposes, deposits, distributes or scatters a material with the intention of feeding, attracting or enticing wildlife.

老司机福利社 prohibits the use or possession of any weapons as defined in N.J.S.A. 2C:39-1 in all campus buildings and on all University properties and at all University sponsored events. The prohibition of the use and possession of weapons as defined below applies to students, employees, independent contractors and visitors/members of the public, including those who have a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. Violators may be removed from campus, arrested, expelled, suspended, placed on probation or given a lesser sanction for good cause consistent with due process. Individuals shall be held accountable through the criminal justice system and/or the Campus Hearing Board. The prohibition may not apply to authorized law enforcement personnel pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:39-6, if an exemption applies to carry a weapon on campus.

All state and federal statutes and local ordinances regarding the possession of firearms and weapons, including imitation firearms, both legal and illegal apply on all University property and at University-sponsored events and any applicable statutes, laws, regulations and ordinances are hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth here at length. Under New Jersey statutes, weapons mean, 鈥淎nything readily capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury.鈥 The term includes, but is not limited to: air guns, spring guns or pistols or weapons of a similar nature in which the propelling force is from an elastic band, carbon dioxide, compressed or other gas or vapor, air or compressed air or ignited by compressed air and ejecting a bullet or missile, knives, clubs, night sticks, metal knuckles, firearm silencers, electrical weapon (i.e. Taser),  armor piercing ammunition, zip guns, chemical substances, i.e. pepper spray over 3/4 oz. (See N.J.S.A.2C:39-6(i) setting out permissible conditions for carrying chemical substances for personal self-defense.)

All signs in residential areas advertising meetings and events, whether for on or off-campus, must be approved for posting by the Office of Event Services and Campus Center Operations and the  Executive Director of Residential Life. Once approved, advertisements may go on the bulletin boards in Housing 4 and 5 and on the bulletin boards on each floor in Housing 2 and 3 and designated posting areas in Chris Gaupp Property and the Atlantic City Residential Complex. Those organizations posting advertisements in unauthorized areas or without endorsement from the Office of Residential Life and/or Event Services are subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.

The bulletin boards in each community are for use by the Office of Residential Life staff and will be used for approved communication and notices only. It is to your benefit to ascertain that these notices remain posted. Removal of information on bulletin boards is considered vandalism and is subject to disciplinary action.

Cooking/grilling outside is not permitted except on University equipment with prior approval. Individuals may request use of barbecue grills located outside the Townsend Residential Life Center and Lodge at Lakeside, but must obtain a fire permit from the Office of Safety and Compliance and complete an application for use of University Facilities with the Office of Event Services and Campus Center Operations, No fire permits will be issued for the Atlantic City Residence hall.

Board games and sports equipment are available for sign out at the Resident Assistant office. Residents will be held financially accountable for unreturned or damaged equipment.

Free laundry facilities located in close proximity to residential complexes are available 24 hours a day for exclusive use by resident students. Machines are operated by using a student ID card. allows students to monitor laundry rooms from any computer on campus for machine availability, to receive reports of best time to access machines, to report problems and to register for text messaging when your laundry is finished. Laundry facilities are located in the following areas:

  • Housing 1, E Court-Room15
  • Housing 2, A and K buildings
  • Housing 3, on each floor
  • Housing 4, building 81
  • Housing 5, first floor
  • Atlantic City Residential Complex, on each floor
  • Chris Gaupp, first floor

Vending machines are located in the TRLC, in the Lodge at Lakeside, the Housing 4 Commons building, and the Atlantic City Residential Complex. Please take care of these machines and report any vandalism or break-ins immediately to Campus Police and a Residential Life staff member. Refunds for money lost in residence hall vending machines can be reported to the Office of Residential Life. Machine malfunctions should be reported to the Office of Residential Life staff or your RA in a timely manner.

An online work order should be completed to report problems with heat/air conditioning. Facilities Management and Plant Operations personnel will be contacted to examine the problem. Under statute N.J.A.C. 5:10-14 et seq. and N.J.A. C. 5:28-1.12 (m), the University is mandated to provide heat to residents from October 1 to May 1. During the hours of 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., the temperature in the residence must be at least 68 degrees and between the hours of 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., the temperature must be at least 65 degrees.


Tampering with the thermostat and/or HVAC units will result in fines and further disciplinary action. Using the kitchen range to heat the apartment constitutes a fire/safety hazard and is subject to the same fine system as tampering with the thermostat. Additionally, no items are permitted to be placed within one foot of the supplemental electric heating units located under the windows. This includes furniture, bedding and any other material that may ignite. Violations of this standard will result in a first-time warning followed by fines or disciplinary action. Heaters of any kind (e.g. electrical, kerosene, etc.) are strictly prohibited.


In residential room spaces where the temperature is controlled by the residents, the roommates should discuss a preferred temperature. In situations where an agreement cannot be reached among roommates, the Office of Residential Life will set the temperature to 68 degrees. 

Residents are provided with a daily sanitation service within Housing 2 and 3, which consists of sanitizing the community bathroom and lightly cleaning the common areas. All residents are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and sanitation of their bedrooms and the community areas. Suites and apartments are inspected regularly by Residential Life staff members. All trash must be taken to their designated receptacles. Apartments that are found in violation may be sanctioned or assigned a cleaning schedule that will be monitored by the Residential Life staff. Bathrooms, kitchens and common areas within apartments must be cleaned by the residential students assigned to the space.

An electronic work order must be completed to have repairs made to furniture, equipment, etc., in your apartment or suite/room. The person or group responsible for the damage is held accountable for repairs or replacement. Often when a student will be billed for damages, the damaged item will not be replaced immediately or repaired. Examples include: stains on carpets or desks, chips in sinks and tubs, chips/dents in furniture and fixtures, etc. In such cases, the assessed charges are based on the fact that the damages have reduced the life of the item and are applied to the eventual replacement or repair of the item.

Students must complete an online work order request for repairs to furnishings or equipment in apartments, rooms or suites. Students must enter their 老司机福利社 email when completing work orders. Typing 鈥榳ork order鈥 into the search box on the 老司机福利社 website will access 老司机福利社鈥檚 Facilities Management and Plant Operations maintenance request page.

Emergency work orders (e.g., no heat, overflowing toilet, smell of gas) should be called into the Office of Residential Life or, after midnight, to 老司机福利社 Police at 609-652-4390. A work order should still be submitted online.

Authorized University personnel have a master key or access card for residential areas so that the University may enter residences for the following reasons:

  • Emergencies
  • Fire drills
  • Occupancy and probation inspections
  • General repairs
  • Delivery of official Residential Life correspondence
  • Suspected violation of University standards
  • Alleviation of persistent noise

Students shall not place any additional locks on said premises. Housing keys are the property of the State of New Jersey. The University and the Office of Residential Life reserve the right to enter all apartments, suites and rooms with or without the resident鈥檚 permission.

Facilities Management and Plant Operations will replace fluorescent light bulbs that are reported via the work order process. Standard light bulbs are available through the work order process.

The University maintains an integrated pest management program. Should you need pest control assistance, please enter an online work order request. Most insect problems result from mishandling of food; maintain cleanliness of rooms and kitchen areas (where applicable). Be certain to keep food wrapped tightly and stored in sealed containers. If your room requires maintenance attention, please contact the A-100 Residential Life Office, Lakeside Office of Residential Life, the Atlantic City Office of Residential Life/Student Affairs Suite, or complete an electronic work order form. For maintenance emergencies after office hours, please contact Campus Police, 609-652-4390.

No person shall throw, drop, discard, abandon or otherwise place any litter or debris of any nature upon University property other than in a litter receptacle. Whenever any litter is thrown or discarded or allowed to fall from a vehicle or boat in violation of this regulation, the operator or owner, or both, shall be deemed responsible for violating this regulation. Litter is any used or unconsumed substance or waste material which has been discarded, whether made of aluminum, glass, plastic, rubber, paper or any other natural or synthetic material, or any combination thereof.


Each apartment and residence hall floor is responsible for recycling according to regulations mandated by the State and the University. Recycling receptacles are located in each apartment and suite. Students must dispose of recyclables and trash in the appropriate containers in the dumpster areas. Dumpsters are located between Housing 1 and Housing 5, behind each building in Housing 2 and Housing 3. Dumpsters and recycling bins for Housing 4 are located at the north and south ends of the Housing 4 parking lots. Trash rooms for Atlantic City residential students are located at the end of each hallway and trash will be removed on a regular schedule. Temporarily placing recyclables/trash outside your apartment or in the residence hall lounge is not permitted. Students who dispose of trash/recyclables improperly will be fined. Any court in Housing 1, suites in Housing 2/3, or stairways in Housing 4/5, Chris Gaupp or Atlantic City found excessively dirty or trashed will result in residents of the court/suite being assessed a clean-up charge.

老司机福利社 Police must be called in the case of any emergency requiring assistance whether medical, safety or accidental. From a cell phone, please dial 609-652-4390. From an on-campus residence room phone, please dial 911. Dialing 911 from a cell phone will automatically dispatch to Galloway or Atlantic City emergency services. Describe the emergency and location. If needed, 老司机福利社 Police will provide transportation to the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Mainland Campus located on campus or they will call an ambulance. The Residential Life staff is also available to assist with emergencies.

Security systems are in place on campus to assist in ensuring the safety of resident students, campus community members and their guests. As with any security effort, cooperation from residents, the campus community and their guests is imperative. As responsible citizens of the residential community residents are expected to:

  • Keep doors to rooms, apartments and suites locked at all times
  • Carry keys and ID cards.
  • Never pass their keys or ID cards to non-residents, including guests
  • Never prop suite and front doors open
  • Never block or prevent egress through room or apartment doors, hallways, exit doors and stairwells
  • Access residential facilities through front entrances only

Any action that threatens the safety and security of individuals or members of the 老司机福利社 community will not be tolerated. Students in violation of any of the above expectations will be held accountable through the conduct system and susceptible to fine.

In an attempt to maintain safe and secure residence halls, the Office of Residential Life has established certain policies and procedures. However, these measures are successful only when everyone works together, follows them and enforces them. Creating a safer residential community requires your active participation. Ultimately, your safety depends on you. Here are steps that you can take to help protect yourself, your valuables and your neighbors:

  • Lock your door whenever you leave your residence or go to sleep.
  • Do not prop or tamper with the locks on the hall entrance or room doors.
  • Do not bring people back to the campus community who you do not trust and know well.
  • Protect your property by having 老司机福利社 Police permanently mark your item using a UV pen with your name, driver鈥檚 license number and state abbreviation. This service is available through 老司机福利社 Police at 609-652-4390.
  • Report safety concerns and crimes to the residence hall staff (RA) as soon as possible. Promptly report any crime to Campus Police.

For the safety and security of residents, suite doors and entryways must remain closed at all times. Contracted residents will have their student ID cards programmed to gain access onto their assigned floor or suite room. Guests can ring the doorbell during designated hours. Any student observed propping open the entryway of any floor will be fined. If the responsible individual is not identified, all residents of the floor will share the responsibility.

Each residence hall/apartment has a minimum of one window. Residents should be aware that for all complexes, the following rules apply:

  • No items, including but not limited to trash, may be thrown out of any window at any time, for any reason.
  • Do not utilize windows for entering or exiting the room or apartment. This is a safety hazard and it may result in damage to the window or surrounding area.
  • When the temperature outside falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, all windows in Housing 4 must be closed until the temperature outside goes above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Failure to do so may cause the heating and air conditioner units to freeze and cause your apartment to become flooded when they thaw. If it is too hot in your apartment, please put in a work order through the online work order system.If your window is found open when the temperature outside is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, the residents of your room and/or apartment will be documented for violating this standard.

A written working warning will be assessed to the responsible resident(s) for the first offense. For subsequent offenses the fine will be: first offense - $25, second offense $50, third offense 鈥 referral to Campus Hearing Board. This standard is in place to protect you, your personal belongings and campus residence facilities. Window screens are provided for the students in Housing 2, first floor of housing 3,4, and 5. Students living in Housing 1 who wish to have screens placed in their apartment must complete a Screen Registration Form that can be found in the lakeside Office of Residential Life. Once all roommates complete this form and return it to the office, a screen will be installed. Vandalized or stolen screens should be reported to a Residential Life staff member immediately. If a report of a missing screen has not been filed, residents will be billed accordingly.

During an emergency, proper action saves lives. For your safety, please familiarize yourself with the following information.


Residential buildings are equipped with fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of the construction and/or fire safety codes. Students are not expected to utilize these devices nor are they trained in their use due to the risk to their personal safety which could result from attempting to extinguish a fire. All residential buildings are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and are equipped with automatic fire detection and alarm systems which are constantly monitored by 老司机福利社鈥檚 Police Department. Chris Gaupp property is monitored on site. In the case of an emergency, Galloway Township emergency services will be alerted.

  1. Full evacuation of the building is required upon activation of the fire alarm system. Immediately evacuate the building via the shortest and safest route. Do not use elevators.
  2. If you notice smoke, use an alternative secondary evacuation route.
  3. When leaving a room or entering a stairwell, feel the doorknob or handle, or touch the door with the back of your hand before opening it. If the doorknob, handle or door is hot to the touch, DO NOT open the door. If the door is not hot, open the door slightly. If intense heat or thick smoke is present, DO NOT open the door any further, close the door and stay inside the room. If you are unable to evacuate your room, seal the bottom edge of the door with wet clothing, towels or bedding to prevent smoke from entering. Hang a white or light colored object such as a sheet or towel out the window to attract attention of the firefighters. Check paths for safety before proceeding and close doors behind you.
  4. If you are able to evacuate your room and light smoke is present, use an alternative escape route if possible to avoid the smoke. If you have to go through the smoke, keep low and as close to the floor as possible.
  5. Go to the pre-assigned exterior evacuation assembly points for your building. Each building鈥檚 assembly point is referenced on page 56.
  6.  If you suspect that someone is missing or trapped, contact the emergency personnel outside the building or call the Campus Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and provide them with information about the location and person鈥檚 name and/or identity.
  7. If you are trapped during a fire emergency, close all doors between you and the fire. Stuff cracks around the doors to keep out smoke. Wait at a safe window and hang a white or light colored object such as a sheet or towel out the window to attract attention of the firefighters. Call the 老司机福利社 Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and tell them exactly where you are.

Stop, drop and roll if your clothing catches fire.

  1. Leave the fire area and close the door to the area.
  2. Activate the fire alarm.
  3. Immediately evacuate the building via the shortest and safest route.
  4. Do not use elevators. A fire can disrupt the operation of elevators and trap occupants inside.
  5. If you notice smoke, use the alternate secondary escape route.
  6. When leaving a room or entering a stairwell, feel the doorknob or handle, or touch the door with the back of your hand before opening it. If the doorknob, handle or door is hot to the touch DO NOT open the door. If the door is not hot, open the door slightly. If intense heat or thick smoke is present, DO NOT open the door any further, close the door and stay inside the room. If you are unable to evacuate your room, seal the bottom edge of the door with wet clothing, towels or bedding to prevent smoke from entering. Hang a white or light colored object such as a sheet or towel out the window to attract attention of the firefighters. Check paths for safety before proceeding and close doors behind you.
  7. If you have to go through the smoke, keep low and as close to the floor as possible.
  8. Go to pre-assigned exterior evacuation assembly points for your building. Maps of all assembly points will be posted throughout each building and all Complex Directors and Resident Assistants will be made aware of each assembly point鈥檚 designated location. Locations are as follows at time of publication:
    1. Housing 1 鈥 A & B 鈥 located in path around Lake Fred just past Laurel Lane
    2. Housing 1 鈥 C through F 鈥 located in beach section between Lakeside Lodge and Oasis
    3. Housing 1 鈥 G & H 鈥 located within Fern Court, Housing 1
    4. Housing 2 鈥 A through F 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6 Housing 2 鈥 G through K 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6
    5. Housing 3 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6
    6. Housing 4 鈥 located in the Nor th end of the Nor th parking lot
    7. Housing 5 鈥 I through K 鈥 in the grass between the volleyball court and the South lot
    8. Housing 5 鈥 L through N - located in the Northeast section of the West lot
    9. Chris Guapp Property 鈥 sidewalk across from building by flagpoles
    10. AC Residential Buildings A and D - Boardwalk and Hartford Avenue
    11. AC Residential Buildings B and C - Boardwalk and Lincoln Place
  9. Call the 老司机福利社 Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones in a safe area or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and tell them exactly what you discovered and the location.
  10. If you suspect that someone is missing or trapped, contact the emergency personnel outside the building or call the 老司机福利社 Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and provide them with information about the location and person鈥檚 name and/or identity.

If you are trapped during a fire emergency, close all doors between you and the fire and stuff cracks around the doors to keep out smoke. Wait at a safe window and signal/call for help. If there is a phone in the room, call the Campus Police Department by dialing 911 from a campus phone or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and tell them exactly where you are.

  1. Call 911 from a cell phone or the nearest phone in the safe area.
  2. If you suspect that someone is missing or trapped, contact the emergency personnel outside the building or call the 老司机福利社 Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and provide them with information about the location and person鈥檚 name and/or identity.
  3. Await emergency response personnel at the safe location and provide them with any relevant information that could assist them.
  4. Follow directions of fire and police personnel and the Residential Life staff.
  5. Report to the person who is taking roll.
  6. Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by the fire and police department.
  7. Never re-enter the building to save your personal belongings.
  8. Stay calm.

Please be advised of the information concerning CO detectors. Anytime the carbon monoxide detector alarm sounds, all residents should assume there is a carbon monoxide situation and follow these steps:

  1. Exit the building/apartment quickly. Please note: Carbon Monoxide detectors are not networked. They operate individually, and only the areas within hearing distance of the sounding alarm need to evacuate unless a 老司机福利社 Police Officer or Fire Department Official directs otherwise.
  2. Go to the pre-assigned exterior evacuation assembly points for your building. Each building鈥檚 assembly point is referenced on page 56.
  3. Use the emergency phones or the nearest available campus phone (dial 911) outside the 300-feet parameter, to confirm with 老司机福利社 Police that a carbon monoxide detector has been activated. If using a cell phone, dial 609-652-4390.
  4. Remain outside as a group and wait until the emergency personnel have spoken with you and given you permission to re-enter the building (i.e., 老司机福利社 Police Officer or Fire Department Official). Residents or guests re-entering the building prior to being given permission are subject to disciplinary action.
  5. Tampering with a CO detector may result in criminal, civil, and/or disciplinary action. For more information about carbon monoxide safety, contact Environment Health and Safety at 609-652-4496.

Housing facilities are equipped with a fire suppression (sprinkler) system that is designed to activate in case of fire. Activating this system through frivolous actions or tampering with will result in fines, restitution and/or disciplinary action including possible loss of campus housing privileges. Activating this system will cause significant damage to the unit and extreme care must be taken to prevent any frivolous or unnecessary activation. Items may not be hung from or attached to the piping, sprinkler heads or soffits associated with this system. Any actions that may cause damage to the system are prohibited. Violators are subject to fines with the fine doubling for each additional offense, along with possible disciplinary action.

Medical emergencies, including accidents, injuries or serious illnesses, may occur. After you have determined the nature of the emergency, it is imperative that you get professional help as quickly as possible. If you call from a cell phone, please dial 609-652-4390. If you call from your room phone, please dial 911. Dialing 911 from a cell phone will automatically dispatch to Galloway Township or Atlantic City emergency services; describe the emergency and location.

The Office of Residential Life may become aware of a medical concern compromising the student鈥檚 health, safety and/or ability to reside on campus. The University may then require medical documentation stating the student is able to maintain independent life functioning while residing on campus and is able to fully participate in academic life. The documentation must come from a board certified physician and follow 老司机福利社鈥檚 documentation guidelines.

The documentation is subject to review by University staff.

The 老司机福利社 Atlantic City Residential Complex is in close proximity to a public beach in Atlantic City, NJ. The Office of Residential Life encourages each student to take personal responsibility for ocean safety. Swimming in the ocean is different than swimming in a pool. Swimmers should only enter the water at a lifeguard-protected beach, within the designated swimming area. Swimmers should obey all instructions and orders from lifeguards.

Swimmers must take responsibility to be alert, never swim alone, and check the local weather conditions. Additional ocean safety tips can be found on the American Red Cross website:


Take precautions to secure personal property (e.g. locking your door, engraving your possessions, registering your bike). Students must also consider their personal security and be aware of vulnerable situations. It is best for students to keep roommates and neighbors informed about each other鈥檚 whereabouts and return time. When possible, travel with a friend and check campus maps for the best lighted paths. Report any suspicious activity immediately to the RA, CD, or 老司机福利社 police, and never leave outside doors or room doors ajar. With so many people (and bikes, computers, and stereos, etc.) living together, the halls are prime target for crimes of opportunity, like thefts. Students鈥 careful attention to security is in everyone鈥檚 best interests.


The University expects all students to report crimes immediately by contacting the 老司机福利社 Police. Fire, police or medical emergencies can be reported in person or by dialing 609- 652-4390 from any telephone on campus. Emergency aid can also be requested using the blue light emergency system located along walking paths.


Video cameras in the lobbies and exteriors of some residence halls have been installed to deter theft and vandalism. The cameras will store images to a computer for later viewing. Footage is not monitored so residents should take normal security precautions and not rely on the cameras as a security measure.

Anyone who believes a 老司机福利社 residential student is missing shall immediately make a report with the 老司机福利社 Police Department at 609-652-4390, at extension 4390 from an on campus phone, in person at Building 71 on the Galloway Campus, or in person at the University Police substation on the AC Gateway campus.  In the event a report of a missing residential student is received by any other University office, that information must immediately be referred to University Police.

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), residents of 老司机福利社鈥檚 campus housing are given the option annually of designating a confidential contact, who is an individual to be notified within twenty-four hours of the determination the student has been missing for twenty-four hours.   The confidential contact鈥檚 name will solely be used for missing person notification purposes, shall only be accessible to authorized campus officials and may not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel to aid in a missing person investigation. In order to elect to identify a specific person to be contacted by the institution, please email housing@ and indicate 鈥淢issing Person Report Contact鈥 in the subject line.

If a residential student is reported missing and University or local police determine that the student has been missing for twenty-four hours, the confidential contact, if such contact was provided to the Office of Residential Life, must be notified within twenty-four hours of that determination. 

If the residential student is under eighteen years of age and not emancipated, and University or local police determine that the student has been missing for twenty-four hours, a custodial parent or guardian, as well as any confidential contact registered by the student, must be notified within twenty-four hours of that determination. 

If a residential student is determined to be missing for twenty-four hours, University Police will notify the local police department with jurisdiction in the area within twenty-four hours of that determination.

Nothing in this procedure shall preclude 老司机福利社 from notifying a residential student鈥檚 confidential contact or other emergency contact prior to the required twenty-four hour time period.

The Office of Residential Life holds the safety and security of the residential population a primary concern. All residential students are required to provide emergency contact information as a part of the check in process. This information will be utilized in cases of emergency. The emergency information also asks for a listing of all medical conditions or allergies for notification of medical personnel in case of emergencies.


The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to contact a parent or legal guardian or listed emergency contact at the discretion of the Director of Residential Life or designee.