Week of Teaching 2024
Week of Teaching is a wonderful time to celebrate faculty contributions and learn more about teaching. Review the Week of Teaching schedule below and register to observe colleagues teaching their classes. You may attend all or a portion of the class session.
In addition to classroom observations, check out the Week of Teaching schedule for informational presentation sessions on a variety of topics and resources related to teaching at ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç.
Enrollment is necessary as space is limited in some classrooms. Immediately after registration, you will receive a schedule of your selected sessions via e-mail from Google Forms labeled Week of Teaching - April 22-26, 2024.
Plan your day! Detailed description of sessions offered:
9:55 am to 11:10 am
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: CHEM III, Organic Reactions (CHEM 2130-001/002)
Limit 10 registrants
Faculty Member: Pamela Cohn, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Meeting Location: Main Campus – USC1-360Class Topic: Reactions involving the alpha carbon of carbonyl containing compounds.
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: PSYC 3323-002 Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence
Limit 2 registrants
Faculty Member: Helana Girgis, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Meeting Location: Main Campus – L-115
Class Topic: Social Development
11:10 am to 1:50 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: ARTV11722/1173 Form, Color and Content
Limit 2 registrants
Faculty Member: Chung-Fan Chang
Meeting Location: Main Campus – AS-238
Class Topic: Studio Day. Students will be working on final project: Color Forecasting
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Advising International Students
Presenter: Patricia Sagasti Suppes, Director of Global Engagement and Senior International Officer
Topic: Learn tips, advice, and regulations for advising international students. You don’t need to know all the ins and outs of federal regulations, but there are some important dos and don’ts. OGE staff will be able to answer your questions and help you avoid common mistakes.
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: Elementary School Math (GNM 1154 Section 001)
Limit 15 registrants
Faculty Member: Siobahn D Suppa, Asst Professor of Mathematics & First Year Studies
Meeting Location: Main Campus – C-003
Class Topic: Meaning of Reciprocal of a Fraction
2:10 pm to 3:25 pm
Limit 10 registrants
Faculty Member: Daniel Tulino, Assistant Professor of Education
Meeting Location: Main Campus – F-118
Class Topic: This course provides a general overview to the history of urban education and a critique of urban education reform, including an analysis of what works and what does not work in our urban schools. Students will apply their knowledge of urban school history, urban school reform, and urban teacher competencies to analyze and evaluate themes in each of the four movies.
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: Rhetoric & Composition (FRST 2120 001)
No limits on registrants
Faculty Member: Christina Steele
Meeting Location: Asynchronous/Online
Class Topic: Unit 1: Successful Study Strategies, Unit 2: The Descriptive Narrative, and Unit 3: Argument and the Research Paper
8:30 am to 10:20 am
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: EDUC 2241 Inclusive Learning in Education
Limit 3 registrants
Faculty Member: Chelsea Tracy-Bronson, Associate Professor of Education
Meeting Location: Main Campus – C-008
Class Topic: Active Learning Strategies
10:30 am to 11:00 am
- BJORK LIBRARY INFO SESSION: Our Services During Renovation
Presenters: Joyce DeStasio, Outreach & Public Service Librarian Instructor in the Library & Jessica Martorano, Access & Engagement Coordinator
Topic: Have you heard the library is going to be renovated? Are you curious about what that means for you and your students? Attend this session to understand how we are navigating the renovation, learn where the library services will be temporarily relocated during this time, and ask any questions you may have.
10:30 am to 12:20 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: GIS3686: Disability Rights Around the World
Limit 5 registrants
Faculty Member: Priti Haria, Associate Professor of Education - Special Education
Meeting Location: Main Campus – C-008Class Topic: Discussing about Disability in South America (Global Perspective)
Limit 4 registrants
Faculty Member: Jessica Hallagan, Associate Professor Environmental Science
Meeting Location: Main Campus – AS-110
Class Topic: Soil Nutrients and Nutrient Management
10:45 am to 11:30 am
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Navigating the Faculty Tab
Presenter: Danielle Martin, Academic Advisor
Topic: Join Academic Advising to explore the tools available in the faculty tab. Learn how to look up your preceptees with your advisee list, view a students transcript, look up a students schedule, accept a new preceptee, pull up a class list, and submit a CARES referral.
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Advising for Study Abroad
Presenter: Patricia Sagasti Suppes, Director of Global Engagement and Senior International Officer
Topic: All you need to know about helping students choose their courses for pre- departure advising, as well as tips on encouraging students to study abroad and helping them make it possible.
1:30 pm to 2:20 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: LITT 2145.001 Family in American Literature
Limit 5 registrants
Faculty Member: Kristin Jacobson, Professor of American Literature
Meeting Location: Main Campus - B-012
Class Topic: Discussion of the novel House of Sand and FogAdditional Information: Class normally starts at 12:30 pm. The first hour the students will be taking an in-class quiz. Faculty members who wish to observe the discussion/flipped classroom should arrive at 1:30 pm
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Sneak Preview of Blackboard Learn with the Ultra View
Presenter: Roberto Castillo, Senior Instructional Specialist
Topic: Blackboard's Ultra View offers a more modern and simple interface. The instructor will review the basic elements of Blackboard's Ultra View, including Generative AI features.
3:30 pm to 4:20 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: GAH 2259.001 Literature of the Environment
Limit 3 registrants
Faculty Member: Kristin Jacobson, Professor of American Literature
Meeting Location: Main Campus – C-003
Class Topic: Discussion of the novel Watershed
Additional Information: Class normally starts at 2:30 pm. The first hour the students will be taking an in-class quiz. Faculty members who wish to observe the discussion/flipped classroom should arrive at 3:30 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: Rhetoric & Composition (FRST 2120 001)
No limits on registrants
Faculty Member: Christina Steele
Meeting Location: Asynchronous/Online
Class Topic: Unit 1: Successful Study Strategies, Unit 2: The Descriptive Narrative, and Unit 3: Argument and the Research Paper
8:30 am to 9:45 am
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: PSYC 3323-001 Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence
Limit 2 registrants
Faculty Member: Helana Girgis, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Meeting Location: Main Campus – K-101
Class Topic: Social Development
9:55 am to 11:10 am
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: CHEM III, Organic Reactions (CHEM 2130-001/002)
Limit 10 registrants
Faculty Member: Pamela Cohn, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Meeting Location: Main Campus – USC1-360
Class Topic: Reactions involving the alpha carbon of carbonyl containing compounds
11:00 am to 11:30 am
- PRESENTATION SESSION: FAWN: Balancing Scholarship and Teaching
Presenter: Melissa Zwick, Associate Professor of Biology & Physical Therapy
Topic: This session will highlight the FAWN services available to help faculty negotiate the scholarship-teaching balance successfully.
11:10 am to 1:50 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: ARTV11722/1173 Form, Color and Content
Limit 2 registrants
Faculty Member: Chung-Fan Chang
Meeting Location: Main Campus – AS-238
Class Topic: Final Project: Color Forecasting Critique.
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: A brief introduction to COIL
Presenter: Patricia Sagasti Suppes, Director of Global Engagement and Senior International Officer
Topic: Learn about the basics of Collaborative Online International Learning. This is an opportunity to offer students an experiential international experience without the travel. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and begin to plan your own project.
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: Elementary School Math (GNM 1154 Section 001)
Limit 15 registrants
Faculty Member: Siobahn D Suppa, Asst Professor of Mathematics & First Year Studies
Meeting Location: Main Campus – C-003
Class Topic: Meaning of Reciprocal of a Fraction
1:30 pm to 2:15 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: IRB 101 Common Errors and Remedies for IRB Submissions
Presenters: Amber Gihorski, Associate Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and Britny Dileo
Session Topic: What is the IRB?; Most common documents needed to submit; Common pitfalls associated with regularly submitted documents; Remedies and resources for applicants; Timeline & review process, and how it's impacted by incomplete or unclear information.
2:10 pm to 3:25 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: GIS 3646 Honors History of Corrections
Limit 5 registrants
Faculty Member: Christine Tartaro, Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice
Meeting Location: Main Campus - G-203
Class Topic: Special correctional populations / correctional reforms
2:30 pm to 3:15 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Navigating the Faculty Tab
Presenter: Danielle Martin, Academic Advisor
Topic: Join Academic Advising to explore the tools available in the faculty tab. Learn how to look up your preceptees with your advisee list, view a students transcript, look up a students schedule, accept a new preceptee, pull up a class list, and submit a CARES referral.
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: Rhetoric & Composition (FRST 2120 001)
No limits on registrants
Faculty Member: Christina Steele
Meeting Location: Asynchronous/Online
Class Topic: Unit 1: Successful Study Strategies, Unit 2: The Descriptive Narrative, and Unit 3: Argument and the Research Paper
10:30 am to 12:20 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: GIS3686: Disability Rights Around the World
Limit 5 registrants
Faculty Member: Priti Haria, Priti Haria, Associate Professor of Education - Special Education
Meeting Location: Main Campus – C-008Class Topic: Discussing about Disability in South America (Global Perspective)
Limit 4 registrants
Faculty Member: Jessica Hallagan, Associate Professor Environmental Science
Meeting Location: Main Campus – AS-110
Class Topic: Soil Nutrients and Nutrient Management.
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Ideas on how to create a new Faculty-Led Program abroad
Presenter: Patricia Sagasti Suppes, Director of Global Engagement and Senior International Officer
Topic: This is a quick overview of some of the possibilities and the considerations for planning a faculty-led program abroad. You will learn about resources and ways to work with OGE.
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Empowering Education Through Service-Learning: Are you on the
fence about it?
Presenters: Merydawilda Colón, Executive Director of SCCESL and Taylor Dulemba, Coordinator of Service-Learning
Topic: This presentation will cover service learning and its importance to ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç students, community partners, and faculty. It will also include success stories, steps on implementing Service Learning into your course, and additional resources and support. We will meet for 45 minutes, reserving the last 15 minutes for questions.
2:00 pm to 2:45 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Introduction to Pivot
Presenters: Joseph Cronin, Executive Director of the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs and Amber Gihorski, Associate Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Topic: Attendees will be introduced to Pivot, a searchable database of more than 26,000 funding opportunities covering research, fellowships, travel, and program development. A demonstration of the program will be provided, and attendees will be shown how to create their own accounts and how to utilize some of the advanced features of the program. Specifically, attendees will be shown how to access the database and how it can potentially help augment their funding portfolio.
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: Rhetoric & Composition (FRST 2120 001)
No limits on registrants
Faculty Member: Christina Steele
Meeting Location: Asynchronous/Online
Class Topic: Unit 1: Successful Study Strategies, Unit 2: The Descriptive Narrative, and Unit 3: Argument and the Research Paper
9:55 am to 11:10 am
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: CHEM III, Organic Reactions (CHEM 2130-001/002)
Limit 10 registrants
Faculty Member: Pamela Cohn, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Meeting Location: USC1-360
Class Topic: Reactions involving the alpha carbon of carbonyl containing compounds.
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
- PRESENTATION SESSION: Ways the Office of Global Engagement can support faculty
Presenter: Patricia Sagasti Suppes, Director of Global Engagement and Senior International Officer
Topic:What can the Office of Global Engagement do for you? How can we collaborate? Bring your ideas, your questions, and your concerns. You willlearn a little about the scope of the office and what we do, and ways we can work together.
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: Elementary School Math (GNM 1154 Section 001)
Limit 15 registrants
Faculty Member: Siobahn D Suppa, Asst Professor of Mathematics & First Year Studies
Meeting Location: Main Campus – C-003
Class Topic: Meaning of Reciprocal of a Fraction
2:10 pm to 3:25 pm
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: GIS 3646 Honors History of Corrections
Limit 5 registrants
Faculty Member: Christine Tartaro, Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice
Meeting Location: Main Campus - G-203
Class Topic: Special correctional populations / correctional reforms
- VISIT OPEN CLASSROOM: Rhetoric & Composition (FRST 2120 001)
No limits on registrants
Faculty Member: Christina Steele
Meeting Location: Asynchronous/Online
Class Topic: Unit 1: Successful Study Strategies, Unit 2: The Descriptive Narrative, and Unit 3: Argument and the Research Paper