Program Alumni
Syeda Sandjidha
Syeda represented Austria for Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and Luxembourg & India for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in past NMUN conferences. Syeda was also on the Model UN International Travel Team and attended the November 2018 NMUN conference in Xi’an, China.
James (Colby) Colbertson
Colby is the former President and attended numerous conferences, including the November 2018 NMUN conference in Xi’an, China."ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç Model UN helps its members develop professional skills such as writing,
debating, and networking. But it is more than that, as it is steeped with a sense
of camaraderie that allows students to foster friendships with people they normally
wouldn't have the chance to meet, whether they be from completely different majors
or from different countries across the globe. We pride ourselves on having a team
passionate about diplomacy and world affairs and take pride in passing that passion
on to all new members. Personally, ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç Model UN has had a massive influence on
my academic and day to day life, enriching both in ways I never anticipated when joining
the club 4 years ago."
Alejandra Londono ('18)- Graduate student in the Master of Arts in International Relations program at American University's School of International Service. Former President, Vice-President, and delegate at NMUN-Galapagos 2018, NMUN-NY 2015, 2016, and 2018.
Angelo Bechara (’17)-Graduate student in George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs Middle East MA program, Intern for State Department. Former President, Vice-President, and delegate at NMUN-DC 2013, 2014, and 2015, NMUN-NY 2014, 2015, 2016, NMUN-Rome 2014, NMUN-Japan 2016, NMUN Staff in NY (ECOSOC Assistant Director) 2017, and NMUN Staff in DC 2018.
Taylor Jacoby ('17)- Graduate student in the Masters Program in Public Health at George Washington University. Former delegate at NMUN-NY 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.
Theresa McMackin ('17)- Graduate student in MAHG program at ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÉç, intern at Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) in New York. Former Public Relations e-board member and delegate at NMUN-DC 2014, NMUN-DC 2015, and NMUN-NY 2015, 2016, and 2017.
Richard Nuccio (‘17)-
Former Secretary and delegate at NMUN-NY 2015 and 2016, NMUN-Japan 2016.
David Yoon (‘17)-
Delegate at NMUN-NY 2015 and 2016, NMUN-Japan 2016.
Zach Olden (’16)- Employed full-time in DC; former Research Fellow with the Heritage
Foundation (Foreign Policy/Arctic Policy).
Former Vice-President and delegate at NMUN-DC 2013, 2014, 2015 and NMUN-NY 2014, 2015,
and 2016.
Morgan Pyle (’16)- Law student at Rutgers-Camden Law School and Research and Communications at Salmon
Ventures Limited
Former President and delegate at NMUN-Rome 2014, NMUN-DC, NMUN-NY.
Marshall Burkhardt (’16)- Peace Corps in Swaziland
Delegate at NMUN-Rome 2014, NMUN-DC, NMUN-NY.
Sara Tosano (’15)- Law student at American University Law School
Delegate at NMUN-Rome 2014.
Carly Hires (’16)
Delegate at NMUN-Rome 2014
Christian Mauriello (’16)
Delegate at NMUN-Rome 2014
Why we MUN!
The danger of a single story
Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist (video) tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.
This video talk was presented at an official TED conference.
At its core, the UN is a forum that provides a space for people around the world to tell their stories. We need to hear more than one story to identify the challenges we face and develop innovative solutions to make the future more preferable for all of us, not just some of us.