Research Initiatives

Here are some of the research papers done by SCOSA faculty. To learn more, please click the boxes below:

Openness to Experience and Successful Aging

Dave wearing a brainwave

Does your personality affect how your brain ages? This project explores the role of openness to experience, a personality factor, in successful aging and brain health.

Jessica Fleck, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and SCOSA's incoming Assistant Director

The Effect of Visual Manipulation on Postural Responses of Young and Older Adults-Phase III.

senior citizens enjoying the outdoors

Rania Almajid, PT, MS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy

Get Fit Seniors 2025

a group of people taking a hike

Alysia Mastrangelo, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Therapy with colleagues Mary Kientz (OT) and Joan Perks (NURS)


Gender, Age, and the Shape of Depressive Symptoms Over 13 Years of the ORANJ BOWL Longitudinal Study of Aging in New Jersey.

student presenters

By analyzing long-term patterns, it aims to provide insights into mental health disparities among older adults.

Kaite Yang, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology