Forms & Information

Commonly Used Procurement & Contracting Forms

New Vendor Information Form:

The New Vendor Information form shall be submitted to when a new vendor needs to be added to the Banner finance system. This will aid the Office of Procurement & Contracting with creating and providing the vendor's Z-number for entering Requisitions.

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-44, vendors providing goods or services in excess of $16,635 ($5,910 for public works) per project, or in the aggregate, to the University in any single fiscal year must be registered with the Department of Treasury. The University is prohibited from entering into a contract or making purchases order over the limit with an entity unless the vendor has provided a copy of its Business Registration Certificate (BRC).

Statement of Explanation:

Whenever a single purchase, or contract value exceeds 20% of the applicable public bidding threshold, a total of three (3) competitive quotes are required. However, if the end-user, as a subject matter expert, deems it is impractical to solicit competitive quotations, or having received quotations determines that the award should not be made on that basis, the end-user shall complete a statement of explanation, describing the rationale and reasons why competition is not feasible.

The end-user shall provide a description of the goods and/or services, along with a Statement of Explanation describing any reason(s) why competition is not feasible. This Statement of Explanation shall address specific criteria as established on the form. 

Final approval shall be made by the Director of Procurement & Contracting, or designee. End-users shall not purchase goods or services prior to submitting the Statement of Explanation (generally as part of the Requisition), and receiving approval (generally in the form of a Purchase Order). 

A Statement of Explanation will not be considered unless it is clearly demonstrated that no other vendor can reasonably meet the University鈥檚 needs. Longevity with a vendor, brand preference, or timing issues may not be used as satisfactory reasons to bypass the quote solicitation procedure. The Statement of Explanation must be fully executed, including signature, and attached as part of the Requisition for consideration. 

Emergency Request Form:

Pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:64-57 Emergency Procedures, any purchase, contract, or agreement may be made, negotiated, or awarded by the University without public advertising for bids and bidding therefor, notwithstanding that the cost or contract price will exceed the appropriate threshold amount, when an emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of occupants of University property requires the immediate delivery of the materials or supplies or the performance of the work, if the purchases, contracts, or agreements are made in the following manner: 

  1. A written statement of explanation for the performance of the work or the furnishing of materials or supplies, certified by the University employee in charge of the building, facility, or equipment where the emergency occurred, is filed with the Office of Procurement & Contracting, describing the nature of the emergency, the time of its occurrence, and the need for invoking an Emergency Procedure. The Director of the Office of Procurement & Contracting, or designee, being satisfied that the emergency exists, is authorized to approve the work, and/or delivery of materials or supplies. 
  2. Upon furnishing the work, materials, or supplies in accordance with the terms of the contract, or agreement, the contractor furnishing the work, materials, or supplies is entitled to be paid therefor, and the University is obligated for the payment. 

Quotation Form:

This form is utilized to record quote solicitations from at least three (3) vendors for purchases over the statutory threshold of $22,180. The following evidence must accompany the Quotation Form as part of the Requisition backup: (1) written copies of vendor quotes; (2) 'no-bid' vendor responses; or (3) in the case of no response from the vendor, evidence of quote solicitation outreach.

RFP/IFB Request Form:

This form must be completed and submitted to when the cost of goods or services (for a single project or contract) exceeds the applicable bidding threshold, and no other approval means are available. The Request Form shall be submitted and approved prior to the advertisement of a public bid. 

Note: If the cost of goods or services exceeds the public bidding threshold, the Office of Procurement & Contracting, in consultation with the end-user(s), may determine if a State contract, cooperative, or bid waiver is a viable option. 

University departments should use sales tax exemption certificates whenever possible when purchasing goods or services for University purposes. In order for a purchase to be exempt from sales tax, it must be limited to University purposes and the payment must be made with University funds (e.g., P Card or 老司机福利社 Check). Purchases made with a personal credit card do not qualify for exemption from sales tax in New Jersey. 老司机福利社 currently has sales tax exemptions in 3 jurisdictions: New Jersey, Florida, and Massachusetts. Sales tax forms, including the University's New Jersey Exemption Declaration, and State of New Jersey Division of Taxation Form ST-4, may be found on the Fiscal Affairs website.  

Compliance Documentation Required by Vendors

The table below lists common compliance forms, provides a brief description of each, and details when the documentation is required. The applicability of each item is determined on a case by case basis, based upon factors such as cost, contractor type (State entity, non-profit, etc.), project description, and location of goods or services provided to the University. 

In order to request compliance documentation from a vendor in an efficient and helpful manner, the Office of Procurement & Contracting recommends utilizing the following Vendor Compliance: Documentation Checklist. This compliance checklist is designed to easily indicate which forms are required, and also includes a link to obtain each document. If you are unsure which forms to collect from a vendor, please reach out to the Office of Procurement & Contracting for guidance. 


Documentation Description Required When...

Independent Contractor Determination Checklist


An independent contractor is an individual or firm who is contracted to work utilizing their own methods, and the means by which the work is accomplished is not controlled by the employer. An independent contractor is normally engaged in an established business, trade, or profession. As such, an independent contractor is not an employee of the University and is treated differently with respect to tax withholdings, employee benefits, and payment methods. This checklist will provide support for classifying an individual as an independent contractor and should be completed by the Department requesting payment.

Any time a Vendor is classified as an Individual or Sole Proprietor, and is performing a service.
New Jersey Business Registration Certificate (BRC)

A Business Registration certificate (BRC) is issued by the Division of Revenue in the Department of the Treasury. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-44, a BRC is required when the value of a single order is in excess of 15% of the bid threshold; or when the aggregate spend with a vendor, during the same fiscal year, exceeds 15% of the bid threshold.

  • To verify registration status of a business:
  • Note: BRC is not required for a non-profit entity
Instructions: Under the 鈥Name Control鈥 section, enter the first four characters of the Vendor鈥檚 name. Additionally, under the 鈥Taxpayer ID鈥 section, enter the Vendor鈥檚 tax identification (FEIN), followed by three zeros.

Fiscal Year Spend with a Vendor is greater than $16,635


$5,910 for prevailing wage projects.
Certificate of Insurance (COI)

Vendors performing work or providing services on 老司机福利社 premises must secure and maintain in force, for the term of the contract, liability insurance. In certain circumstances, liability insurance may also be required for work or services performed off premises, which will be evaluated on a per project basis prior to the commencement of work or service on 老司机福利社 premises, the vendor must provide a current Certificate of Insurance meeting the Standard Insurance Requirements. Work or service may not commence until a valid Certificate of Insurance meeting these requirements has been provided. The vendor is not authorized to begin work until the University is in receipt of the vendor's Certificate of Insurance. 

No minimum threshold, and may apply to any purchase. Generally required when a vendor is on University property, subject to assessment by the University's Risk Manager.
Chapter 51/Executive Order 333 Vendor Certification & Disclosure of Political Contributions

Pursuant to P.L.2005, c.51, as amended by the Elections Transparency Act, P.L.2023, c.30, codified at N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.13 to 20.25 (鈥淐hapter 51鈥), and Executive Order No. 333 (2023), the State shall not enter into a Contract to procure services or any material, supplies or equipment, or to acquire, sell, or lease any land or building from any Business Entity, where the value of the transaction exceeds $17,500, if that Business Entity has solicited or made any contribution of money, or pledge of contribution, including in-kind contributions, to a Continuing Political Committee or to a candidate committee and/or election fund of any candidate for or holder of the public office of Governor during certain specified time periods.

A single purchase or the fiscal year aggregate spend is greater than $17,500.00
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EEO/AA)

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. & N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq., a contractor or subcontractor, where applicable, will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, nationality, or sex. Vendors are required to submit evidence of appropriate affirmative action compliance to 老司机福利社. Specifically, the Vendor shall submit one of the following as evidence:

  • Certificate of Employee Information Report: The period of validity of the Certificate is indicated on its face. The Certificate is valid for three years for any vendor with 50 or more employees or for seven years for any vendor with less than 50 employees.
    • Can be obtained by filing online at:
    • Once on the website, select the form titled: 鈥淎A-302 Online Submission/Payment of EEO/AA Employee Information Report鈥
  • Letter of Federal Approval: Indicating that the Vendor is under an existing federally approved or sanctioned affirmative action program.  This Letter of Approval is valid for one year from the date of issuance.
A single purchase or fiscal year aggregate spend is equal to or greater than $39,400.00.
Ownership Disclosure

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2, vendors are required to provide a statement of ownership. If the Vendor is a corporation, limited liability company, or, partnership, the Vendor then must disclose the names and addresses of all stockholders who own 10% or more of its stock (of any class); all individual partners in the partnership who own a 10% or greater interest therein; or all members in the limited liability company who own 10% or greater interest therein.

A single purchase or fiscal year aggregate spend is equal to or greater than $39,400.00.
Disclosure of Investment Activities in Iran

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-57 et seq., any person or entity must certify that neither the person nor entity, nor any of its parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates, is identified on the New Jersey Department of the Treasury鈥檚 Chapter 25 List, as a person or entity engaged in investment activities in Iran.

A single purchase or fiscal year aggregate spend is equal to or greater than $39,400.00.
Certification of Non-Involvement in Prohibited Activities in Russia or Belarus

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-60.1, et seq. (L. 2022, c. 3) any person or entity that seeks to enter into or renew a contract with the University for the provision of goods or services, or the purchase of bonds or other obligations, must complete the certification indicating whether or not the vendor is identified on the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list.

 A single purchase or fiscal year aggregate spend is equal to or greater than $39,400.00.
Source Disclosure

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:34-13.2, purchases for the performance of services shall include provisions which specify that all services performed shall be performed within the United States. If a vendor performs work outside of the United States, the reason(s) why the services cannot be performed in the United States shall be listed on the Source Disclosure form. If services are performed outside the United States, the Director of Procurement & Contracting must certify that the service cannot be provided by a contractor, or subcontractor within the United States. Additional evidence may need to be supplemented by the Department.

A single purchase or fiscal year aggregate spend is equal to or greater than $39,400.00.


Frequently Asked Questions

Vendors and contractors performing work or providing services on 老司机福利社 premises must secure and maintain in force, for the term of the contract, liability insurance. In some circumstances, liability insurance may also be required for work or services performed off premises, which will be evaluated on a per project basis.  Prior to the commencement of work or service on 老司机福利社 premises, the vendor must provide a current Certificate of Insurance meeting the Standard Insurance Requirements. Work or service may not commence until a valid Certificate of Insurance meeting these requirements has been provided. The vendor is not authorized to begin work until the University is in receipt of said Certificate.

The Office of Risk Management coordinates all insurance and insurance-related issues for the University. As such, the Office of Risk Management may provide a waiver of insurance in certain situations, at their sole discretion. 

All Requisition documentation should be uploaded into Banner as part of the Requisition. 

Requisitions may be reviewed/tracked in the Banner screen, FOIDOCH. Once FOIDOCH is open, the following two items will require input:

  • Document Type: Enter "REQ"
  • Document Code: Enter the Requisition number

Click "GO" on the top right had corner. 

Purchase Orders may be reviewed/tracked in the Banner screen, FOIDOCH. Once FOIDOCH is open, the following two items will require input:

  • Document Type: Enter "PO"
  • Document Code: Enter the Requisition number

Click "GO" on the top right had corner. 

Visit to the FOIDOCH screen. Within the Document Type box, enter "REQ," then select the Document Code box, and click the ellipsis (...). On the next screen on the top right, there is an option to "Filter." Select filter, provide information for the fields, and click on "Go." 

There are a number of reasons a Purchase Order may take extra time for approval. Generally, however, the main reasons for delay are due to requiring multiple quotes, vendor compliance documentation, or the need to execute a contract. If your Purchase Order is delayed and no expalantion has been provided, please reach out to the Office of Procurement & Contracting for an update. 

A check-with-Order describes a type of payment process to a vendor, based on a net-01, rather than a net-30 payment grace period. In otherwords, it is a way to issue payment to a vendor immediately, rather than the standard 30 days after receiving an invoice. Check-with-Orders must be requested by the Requisitioner within the Requisition's "Document Text" field, and approved by the Office of Procurement & Contracting. 

Check-with-Orders should only be requested in specific instances where eary payment to the vendor is necessary based on the terms of the agreement. 

After the end-user receives a Purchase Order that has been approved as a Check-with-Order, it must be sent directly to Disbursement Services, API@老司机福利社.edu and include the Purchase Order attached as reference. The subject line should include the PO Number and contain the phrase 鈥Check-With-Order." Check pick-up will be available at the Bursar鈥檚 Office after the next check run.